What's the math major like?

<p>I'm thinking about doing a math major, but i don't know how it will compare to high school math classes.</p>

<p>For example: in high school, the class meets every day. The information is spoon-fed in small amounts. Homework is relatively easy, given nightly, and counts for a small fraction of the grade. Can't understand the homework? No problem, you can ask your question or two the next day.</p>

<p>But how's it work in college? Obviously more material will be covered in each meeting, so am i right in saying you have to figure out a tremendous amount of material on your own to do the homework, unlike in high school where at most you're uncertain of one or two things on the night's tiny bit of homework?</p>

<p>I'd appreciate any thoughts on the subject.</p>

<p>no one . . . ?</p>

<p>specifically at cornell, or in general?</p>

<p>In general, but cornell-specifics would be valuable too.</p>

<p>this probablly isn't the right place to ask then, you might want to ask it again in the 'college majors' section.</p>

<p>i think i will be a math major at cornell. from what I understand, you're right for the most part. It's more important that you do the readings yourself and be able to compile the information on your own. also, the problem sets wont be as easy as the hw in hs, so you need to have good problem solving abilities (i.e the problems wont just be: here's the formula, and plug in the numbers). and i think you know this, but homework isnt given out daily like in hs, but in college u get a problem set every so often (i suppose the frequency would vary on the class).</p>

<p>it'll definitely be harder than the math in high school, which is a good thing. If you think you like math, i think you should just try it out and not worry too much about the difficulty for now. Once you try it for a bit, you can see for yourself if it's too hard or not.</p>

<p>another future math major here...</p>

<p>nice. we'll probablly get to know each other at some point then.</p>