<p>SAT? SAT2? GPA?</p>
<p>thanks:) im junior right now</p>
<p>SAT? SAT2? GPA?</p>
<p>thanks:) im junior right now</p>
<p>I got in with a 3.67 uc gpa
sat's: 670m, 570 cr, 570 w
sat II's: math IIC 700, bio 530
took AP stats, AP Calc. AB, Calc I & Calc II at local cc</p>
<p>3.9 UW GPA
SAT: 660M, 660CR, ^70W
SAT II: Math 2 690, Spanish Listening 600
AP Calc, AP Lang, AP Lit, AP Spanish Language, AP Stats, AP Psych</p>
<p>I'm out of state, so thats something to consider</p>
<p>got in with 3.64 weighted gpa
530 reading, 670 math, 430 writing
math IIC 690, Chinese 800, Chem 590
Took AP Calc AB+BC, AP Physics C mechanics and E+M, AP american Gov</p>
<p>are you guys considered as In-State Student?</p>
<p>j2ee6610: yes</p>
<p>4.13 uc gpa
sat: 800 cr, 710 m, 790 w
sat2: 750 chem, 780 math2, 790 us history
ap's: comp sci a, english lang/lit, calc bc, chem, bio, us history, euro, us govt
in-state: yes</p>
<p>i also know someone who got into engineering with about a 3.5 uc gpa, 2000ish sat, and similar sat2's/ap's to mine.</p>