What's the most social dorm?

<p>It sounds like many of you know a thing or two about the housing situation at UA. D was not able to get into Honors housing. Two weeks ago she received a random assignment to Burke with unknown female. She did apply for a re-assignment to Honors Housing, but so far, hasn’t heard anything and has little hope of getting into Honors Housing.
This female emailed D today and said she found a potential roommate who is currently assigned to Presidential, and asked D if she would want to swap out her room at Burke to the room at Presidential. D is going to try and find out additional information about this potential Presidential roommate.
D had come around to the idea of Burke - realizing she may meet more people in the traditional dorm setting. Now she isn’t sure what to do. She doesn’t want the new roommate to resent her if she wasn’t willing to switch out with someone who may be a better match. This random Burke roommate didn’t post any info on her profile - so D doesn’t know anything about her except the name.
Any opinions on this scenario? Just curious.</p>

<p>It looks like your ticket to a super-suite dorm room. Is the Presidential closer to classes? It is newer. Is cost a factor? Does the Burke dorm close during breaks?</p>

<p>“All residence halls are open for fall and Thanksgiving breaks. This residence hall is also open during winter and spring breaks.” for Burke.
Burke has the cafeteria on the first floor! Sounds pretty good.</p>

<p>It is up to you/your D. She has the Burke dorm room and needs to decide if she wants to switch.</p>

<p>Blueslipper, as far as resenting your D goes, a switch from Burke to Presidential is a HUGE switch in terms of cost (unless your D has a housing scholarship), so I don’t think it’s reasonable for a roommate to expect such a switch to be made. If your daughter doesn’t want to move to Presidential, explain the financial aspect to the roommate (even if that’s not the main reason) so she doesn’t think your D is just being uncooperative.</p>

<p>Blueslipper, is the room in Presidential in a traditional suite? There are 4 bedrooms in those, so your D would have 3 suitemates.</p>

<p>Also, you can find a LOT on most kids just by Googling them, especially if they have a Twitter account with lax security settings.</p>

<p>^^^ Not that any of us stalk our kids’ friends or acquaintances! ;-)</p>

<p>Did I sound stalkerish? Yikes. Didn’t mean to. I do admit to using Google though to go through my list when I was helping the alums call the potential students to remind them to apply for the alumni scholarship. The boy who had recently tweeted “War Eagle” did NOT get a call.</p>

<p>Well, I’ll admit to doing some snooping (re:stalking) in the past. I found a lot more about DS1’s gf via that technique than from anything he chose to share with us.</p>

<p>LOL, lattelady. When my sweet son chooses to date, I’m sure I’ll be in full stalker mode! Of course, I’ll probably be so old and arthritic by then, I may have trouble using my keyboard.</p>

<p>Our S was in Presidential last year, and aside from his roommates, he loved it. He is in Lakeside at the moment for his Early College job, but will be transitioning over to Paty this fall (not by choice) for his RA job. However, I think it will be a good experience for him. Presidential is top notch, but sterile. I think a traditional residential hall fosters more random socialization. Suites tend to be very isolating, in my opinion. He plays ice hockey, golf, and is really interested in making more friends this year, both male and female.</p>

<p>If the question is which dorm is the most social, the answer is not Ridgecrest South. The traditional dorms are much more social.</p>

<p>Blueslipper - before your daughter does anything, get the names of the other 3 suitemates over in Presidential - she should get these from the friend of the Burke roommate (and if they are not given, or she doesn’t know…hmmmm). Stalk and sleuth and snoop all you want. You want to be comfortable with the people you are spending 8+ months with. That said, it will matter less, tho, since in Pres she will have her own room, whereas in Burke she would be sleeping 10 feet away from someone - there is a HUGE difference in what you can tolerate between being able to shut your own bedroom door in a suite vs having to breathe the same air as a roommate. And with that difference comes a substantial cost: $3200 per YEAR diff between Burke and Pres. That is ~$355-400 per month (depending on if you think of the year as 9 or 8 months, respectively). Also, there are ways to get info on the Burke roommate. It is complicated now that she has another person in mind and therefore she will not be as forthcoming with info…but there are ways.</p>

<p>rolltide, we move DD into Lakeside on Tuesday for Early College. We have our move in time and all but no info has come forward about move out and moving on into their fall dorm. We do know that she can move straight over to Tut from Lakeside at that time but no concrete date. Would you happen to know when they have to be out of Lakeside? Trying to plan the trip down there and arrange for D2 that will be left at home and work. Any info about move out for EC and availability to move into the fall dorm would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>FTR, google is my friend :)</p>