What's the point? Logically, loyola seems stupid atm.

<p>At the moment, I think going to Loyola is stupid.
I've been accepted, but I could care less.
I have an associate's in science, so I've done the public school route.
I looked at the requirements for a B.S. in Biology at Loyola.
I would have to start from scratch again.
No way I'm doing that.</p>

<p>First off, I got a ~$9000 a year scholarship. I could care less. The economy is in a recession and my parents are almost retired. I don't have time or money to deal with this.</p>

<p>Secondly, the requirements are lower: about 88 credits for graduation. Maybe if I were a freshman again I would think it's cool, but I have over 60 credits and only the math and language courses transfer. </p>

<p>I don't really understand why its a higher tier school.
It seems like a "blow my money" school.</p>

<p>But I can admire the fact a person can get out of there in three years.
So, if a person has a lot of money, then Loyola looks like a nice choice.
Furthermore, it's admirable the courses are relevant to the major.
It seems like there wasn't a large degree requirement for social science or humanities courses.</p>

<p>Anyone want to disagree with me?</p>

<p>Why are you bothering posting if you don't care....Just curious?</p>

<p>ha I pretty much agree with you. The Jesuit education requirements are stupid and pointless. That school is wayyy too expensive.</p>

<p>associate's degree... do they still give those out? from your other posts, you seem like a malcontent who wants to bring down the people that you failed to be like. quit rationalizing your own failures by berating prestigious universities.</p>

<p>Why did you even post this?</p>

<p>At least some people have asked philosophically why I posted this instead of acting like jackasses and calling me arrogant, and then we can all go into the namegame and start some blame.</p>

Because of social comparison.
Collection of facts.
Different views from different people.
Also, what is up with people insulting community colleges?</p>

<p>And it's not like some of the people in the forum are from or plan on being in Illinois.
Why respond if you don't have anything to do with the place or have real experiences?</p>

<p>I did not have thousands of dollars for a university.
But I do have more than 60 credits that transfer around Illinois to various public universities.
And I have money from working for a few years with different jobs.
My parents are officially retired now.</p>

<p>When you're an adult, you're suppose to analyze things. That's what I'm doing here. Unless all of you want to act trollish, I suspect you see my point. And all the credits I've earned in a CC transfer to public universities as a requirement for the general education. Maybe some of you don't know much about the IAI, and I'm sure private schools don't need to pay attention to it.</p>

<p>This next part is to the user "explorer."</p>

<p>Unless you have something intelligent to state or something helpful, just shut up. Grow up, too. That would be pleasant. You're a waste of time. I 'm not failing. But I would say that you are failing, explorer. No, you really are. You will grow up and realize that you're an idiot. Maybe you won't even notice it. It's a pity that people like you exist. I would hope future actions of social darwinism, fascism, and socialism clear people like you away. Keep chatting, but I've ignored you. If you're going to claim I'm like something, at least make a decent argument out of it.</p>

<p>beatnikdoggy-you seem very angry...here are just a few thoughts</p>

<p>At the moment, I think going to Loyola is stupid.-(o.k. that is your right)
I've been accepted, but I could care less. -(if you could care less why did you bother applying?)
I have an associate's in science, so I've done the public school route.-(nothing wrong with that)
I looked at the requirements for a B.S. in Biology at Loyola. (good)
I would have to start from scratch again. (seems like a waste of time, but if you did get an AA you probably only have 8 hrs. of science as that's what most AA programs require to graduate so essentially you'd have to take a ton of bio classes where ever you go)
No way I'm doing that. (OK)</p>

<p>First off, I got a ~$9000 a year scholarship. (congrats)
I could care less. (this is inflammatory-especially to people who do care)
he economy is in a recession (totally)
and my parents are almost retired. I don't have time or money to deal with this. (then why are you wasting precious time posting about how much you hate it).</p>

<p>Secondly, the requirements are lower: about 88 credits for graduation. Maybe if I were a freshman again I would think it's cool, but I have over 60 credits and only the math and language courses transfer. (it surprises me that only math/science transfer but with private school you can never tell)</p>

<p>I don't really understand why its a higher tier school. (again-this can be viewed as inflammatory )
It seems like a "blow my money" school. (outright invitation for someone to disagree with you and get upset)</p>

<p>But I can admire the fact a person can get out of there in three years. (ok)
So, if a person has a lot of money, then Loyola looks like a nice choice. (that a big generalization but you are entitled to your opinion)
Furthermore, it's admirable the courses are relevant to the major.
It seems like there wasn't a large degree requirement for social science or humanities courses.</p>

<p>Anyone want to disagree with me?</p>

<p>So basically most people said why do you care to waste your time debating this when you obviously are not going and don't hold the school in high regard. This forum is for people who are seriously considering Loyola Chicago and we'd like to talk with one another in a respectful and serious forum. Illinois has many good public schools-UIUC is one of the best in the country. I say you go there and let people who choose to go to Loyola go without criticism. Your last post was nasty and just unnecessary.</p>

<p>Excellent replies, offthetreadmill.
I truly appreciate your dialogue.</p>

<p>No, the "why is this a higher tier school" was a serious question.
I don't see why it's a higher tier school.</p>

<p>I wasn't familiar with the school until this year.
I figured I would apply to it and see what happens.
I didn't have to write any essays or fill out many forms.
I don't think I paid a fee, either. It was quite simple.</p>

<p>It really does seem like the cost of education relates with a school being higher tier.
It doesn't seem like quality/quantity of education has any part in it.
But I do understand the more money a school gets, the more money it can put into buying equipment.</p>

<p>And I'm more interested in the equipment than sitting in a lecture hall most of my time.
I don't think a lot of high schoolers here really know what it's like to be in college after a while.
When you realize you could have read and memorized everything faster than the professor is describing, you start to get really impatient with the fact that lectures occur. And lectures are often better suited as question and answer periods, but professors rarely want that to occur; at least the few places I have been. It seems like professors want to build a type of work ethic, such as "show up everyday" ethic. Otherwise, it does seem like a form of oppression.</p>

<p>Maybe it's too early to think about the masters degree, but I've talked to professors, and I've learned it about equipment and training under the right people.</p>

<p>The "stupid" comment is to suggest the inability to learn. I would be unlearnt if I decided to go to Loyola. </p>

<p>Premise: Too much cost in time and money in order to obtain the bachelors degree.</p>

<p>Enthymeme: I could save time and money by finishing at a public university.</p>

<p>With that said, in my case, it would seem like a "blow my money" school. As in, "go into debt school." Perhaps the upper-middle class America would be suitable to go. But with the recession and attacks on the middle class, it's impractical for me to go. Heck, I'm not really middle class anymore, because of this bail-out issue with the automobile industry and congress. I'm affected by that, too. I'd say my status in the past few months got shot down to lower class. </p>

<p>Of course, this relates to my scenario. I was not using this statement to relate to others who want to go there, which is why I had supplied the other sentences. I suspect those who are willing to go there after doing as many courses as I did must have a very good reason. I could only see social status or perhaps some climbing of the divine ladder to occur: Going to better schools allows a person to go to an even better school after graduating.</p>

<p>I care about the quality of education, but I also care about not spending another three years in school. I don't feel like spending my entire life going to school and being in debt. I'm getting a little tired of the process, really. Which is why I said I could care less. </p>

<p>I think it would have been ethical for Loyola to reject me. Accepting me was unethical. Perhaps some would say, "But that's an awesome school!" Ok? So, I suspect they're going to let me play with MRIs and expensive equipment when I have free time on weekends without supervision. I kind of doubt that. I could be wrong. A person has to be supervised, on a research team, and more. And that would take time; time that would be taken away from earning credits that apply toward the bachelors degree. I could only see Loyola accepting me as wanting to make money off of me with knowing how many of my credits would transfer. Otherwise, it would be a pain to go part-time for another four years. I think that's asking too much of a person, unless Loyola would slingshot me to a place like John Hopkin's.</p>

<p>I think Loyola would be a great school for a masters degree. Because of that, I truly considered being a part-time student in order to obtain a bachelors degree. Going part-time would save a lot of money. The part time deal seems brilliant, but then again, I'm not a freshman anymore. Were I a freshman, I would take it up. This refers to me previous saying it would be stupid for me to go. I would be stupid to go. Or would I? Hence, would you disagree? Logically, would a person raise social status by going there, thus leading to greater educational statuses? Also, I am aware the new pope doesn't like certain things in biology being done, and I have interests in genetic engineering and so forth. Thus, which makes me question the ethical boundaries a scientist would encounter at Loyola, which is a Catholic school. I think it would be unethical and un-Christian to go to a Catholic school and desire to do such things. I would be labeled as a hypocrite, and perhaps the school would be hypocritical. I don't think such things are just. As of late, I'm trying to read about people who have been on the last pope's bioethics advisory, such as Robert J. White and so forth. I'm trying to get a better understanding of how I should take things. But I wouldn't want to do something unethical.</p>

<p>I posted a message, because posting a message is easier than spending two more years at an institution.
I also think my language courses transfer, but those don't apply toward the bachelor's degree.</p>

<p>Anyway, I'll say I could have worded things better.</p>

<p>I hoped people would be able to critically analyze things instead of me going into detail about each and everything.</p>

<p>And you did a decent job, offthetreadmill. </p>

<p>I don't think you needed to rhetorically question some statements. I mean, the idea was to disagree with the statements. So, do you disagree that it's not worth going there? And if so, why? That's what I was aiming for. I'm aiming for someone to say, "You should really take on the debt and loss of time to go to this school, because it will help you get into better schools and higher-paying jobs." And then the ascended person would even give sources or some personal experiences.</p>

<p>It's not where you go to school it's what you do once you are there. The cream always rises to the top; so, if you are a good student then UIUC or UIC for that matter will serve you well. Loyola is not the place for you if you'd have to go into massive debt or go part-time, if you plan to go to med school you need to finish asap. I think if you research med schools you'll find out that with the exception of the IVY league, most school take plenty of students from state universities. </p>

<p>I wish you the best of luck</p>

<p>I am really curious about this actually. I plan on attending one of the City Colleges of Chicago and intend to transfer to Loyola.
Do credits from Chicago CC's not transfer to Loyola?</p>

<p>Give the admissions office at Loyola a call. I know they do have articulation agreements with some of the local colleges. Check with counselors at your current school as they will probably be familiar with the requirements at Loyola. This way you can make sure all the classes you take transfer.
For my D, they were very fair with tranferring credits. They accepted all of all of her college level courses. Do not count on what the above poster said about 88 credits. You will need at total of at least 120 credits for a BA/BS. Good Luck!</p>