Whats the social scene at Georgia Tech like?

<p>have heard from a couple of ppl that the social scene at Gatech is rather drab? wondering what people on this board thought.</p>

<p>is there time to party, or is it just all work?</p>

<p>Tech students work hard - very hard. I think the biggest complaint from them is not just the amount of work but also the really bad guy/girl ratio. It is almost 3:1.</p>

<p>it really depends on your class load. Granted, you'll be working hard either way, but you can definitely have time to party. Full-time load is anywhere from 12-21 credit hours, and I know people at both extremes. Twelve credits is just 4 classes, and you could probably put those all on MWF or TR if you want, and have a couple days off every week. Or if you don't care much for parties (like me) you can take something like 19 hours and graduate earlier than many.</p>