Whats the student life/party life/social scene like at Columbia?

<p>Is it more of the laid-back, with most people studying on nights and doing
their own thing?</p>

<p>Or is it more of, half the campus decked out in longsleeved shirts on guys,
long black dresses on girls, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights,
hitting up frat parties and going to NYC clubs? If so, how does everyone
get to clubs around NYC? I know most kids don't have cars here....But what
if you're coming back from a club at 3am...do you take the metro? anyone
get mugged?</p>

<p>How does everyone get around? Do most people go out thurs/fri/sat nights?</p>

<p>What's the scene like here? My best friend goes to another Ivy, and they
party 3-4 days a week. What's the social norm here?</p>

<p>I can’t vouch for the Columbia crowd, but the great thing about the city, I’ve conceded, is that the 24-hour subway system allows you to get wasted without being a danger to anybody but yourself.</p>

<p>They come by considerably less often after midnight, if you’re in a willing group you can wait, or splitting a cab uptown will run the whole group around $20 dollars from the village to Morningside. Figure you’ve got four people in your group and it’s not bad at all.</p>

<p>Also, New York has had the lowest crime rate among the top 25 largest U.S. cities for the past few years. I believe its reputation is a vestige of the crack epidemic that plagued it in the 80s. Chances you’ll get mugged are the same as anywhere else – and there’s a cop patrolling almost every corner, so there’s usually a time limit for any successful crime to be performed.</p>

<p>“Is it more of the laid-back, with most people studying on nights and doing
their own thing?”</p>

<p>nope. It’s a mix. People usually prioritize work, but there’s definitley a strong party crowd.</p>

<p>“Or is it more of, half the campus decked out in longsleeved shirts on guys,
long black dresses on girls, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights,
hitting up frat parties and going to NYC clubs?”</p>

<p>We’re not much of a frat school. And the frat parties are definitely not that formal–unless it’s one of those end-of-year bashes. Most people go to local bars or drink in dorms. There are poeple who go clubbing–but it’s harder to get into the nicer places if you’re underage, but it happens if you know people. </p>

<p>“If so, how does everyone
get to clubs around NYC? I know most kids don’t have cars here…But what
if you’re coming back from a club at 3am…do you take the metro? anyone
get mugged?”</p>

<p>Take a taxi. The likelihood of your getting mugged is kind of slim, unless you do somehting stupid. Morningside is pretty safe–but, like in any city, you need to be careful.</p>

<p>“How does everyone get around? Do most people go out thurs/fri/sat nights?”</p>

<p>I guess it depends who you are. I did :slight_smile: You’ll find a group who do.</p>

<p>“What’s the scene like here? My best friend goes to another Ivy, and they
party 3-4 days a week. What’s the social norm here?”</p>

<p>Yeah, I’d say there’s a group of people that does 3-4 nights a week. It went up to 5 nights a week by senior year. Good times :)</p>



<p>The crime in New York is really exaggerated, like people have said. The worst thing that’ll happen to you on the subway is an awkward situation when some untalented break-dancers ask you for money after blocking the isle of the subway car for three stops.</p>

<p>Also, there are a ton of threads about the social scene already posted. Try <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/columbia-university/347790-helpful-columbia-threads.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/columbia-university/347790-helpful-columbia-threads.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Aw, I thought the break dancers were pretty good.</p>