<p>Since the email is apparently being sent out now, and some have gotten it while others have not, what is the verdict for those that HAVE gotten the decision? </p>
<p>I am still waiting on the email, but this thread is for me to dance in joy that decision time is finally here. <em>dances</em></p>
<p>ONE person got the email and I actually think they’re lying seeng that no one else has gotten it. They claim to have been accepted.</p>
<p>A bunch of peoples status’ on facebook is “Got into JMU”. Decisions are out for some people!! But of course, not me :/</p>
<p>Oh great… now i’m scared. =X</p>
<p>Yeah, some of my friends on facebook have JMU decisions in their status…
I’m scared too T__T
Maybe they’re being sent alphabetically by last name? I dunnooo but this is sooo stressfullll</p>
<p>Most of the other schools I applied to posted acceptances online, and not rejections.</p>
<p>I’m not anticipating good news for those of us with no word yet… but still ahhh</p>
<p>True. >.<
I’m going to mark it off as they just haven’t processed all the emails yet.
I mean, they have to send ALL of their applicants an email, otherwise that would be unfair and people wouldn’t know if they got in or not.
I’m just going to hope for the best! >.<</p>
<p>^ Yes let’s think positive!</p>
<p>I just went on yahoo and it said “Messages (1)” and I was like omgggg but go figure it was from Facebook.</p>
<p>I’ll be checking every two minutes now.</p>
<p>Haha samee. The colleges that I applied to posted both acceptances and rejections on the website. So its likely we still have a chance :)</p>
<p>i got the email about a half hour ago, and im accepted
good luck to those still waiting!!</p>
I have my Gmail up in another tab…every time I see it say (1) I get overly excited.
Most of the time it’s Facebook or some other message that has nothing to do with JMU! D:
I wonder if I turn off my phone and exit out of my email…
then check it in 30 minutes, it’ll show up magically!? : D </p>
<p>…Yeah, none of my homework is getting done tonight. </p>
<p>But darnit!
Congrats sas1611! </p>
<p>And the rest of us shall play the waiting game!</p>
<p>thanks!! im sure good news will come soon!</p>
<p>Email popped up about 2 minutes ago… I have been denied.</p>
<p>Awww, I’m sorry BrettMaverick.
At least you gave it your all, right?
What schools have you been ACCEPTED into? Maybe those that have been denied just weren’t meant to be at JMU and would be better at another school.
That’s what my mindset is at least. >.<</p>
<p>^ Yup. I like the school i’m actually going to a LOT better.</p>
<p>Good luck to you guys…</p>
<p>D received the email link. She is waitlisted and very upset about it!</p>
<p>OK… so I bet they’re sending out acceptances at 6:22, waitlist offest at 7:22, and rejections at 8:22.</p>
<p>I have officially come to terms that I am rejected.</p>
<p>Awee Im sorry
I hope she gets in!! </p>
<p>I still have yet to receive an email. I wonder the order they are sending the emails out…</p>
<p>^ Is JMU a reach/match/safety for you?</p>