<p>Most high schoolers in their junior and senior year recieve TONS of college mail to generate interests, but it seems as of late some schools have been making the mail unique... And in some cases, weirder.</p>
<p>I've gotten a DVD and a picture map with no words so far... How about yall?</p>
<p>I mean like before applying, where colleges mail out hundreds of letters/ info packets and other random assortments lol… Sorry about your letter though :(.</p>
<p>I got a periodic table from I think Leeds? It even highlighted my favorite element, Tectium (which they had no way of knowing was my favorite). It didn’t cause me to apply though.</p>
<p>^Whoa, that’s cool–what school sent that to you?</p>
<p>I got a HUGE poster from Richmond University in London…came in a long tube and everything. It was weird since I’ve never expressed any interest in the school at all.</p>
<p>My son has been inundated by mail from Philadelphia Biblical University, including several letters that appear to be from individuals (no name of school on the outside), addressed both to him and to us.</p>
<p>A book including a course catalog and various other info (students’ essays, application procedure, etc.), out of the blue.
A calendar, soon to be two.
Several application forms, despite still being a junior and having no interest in graduating early.</p>