<p>Does anyone know what song this is called?</p>
<p>It's a classical music song. It sounds really formal. The tune is like:</p>
<p>dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN dun dun dun </p>
<p>Sounds sort of like a violin. Famous tune. Gives off a feeling of a formal party or something.</p>
<p>A violin that makes a dun dun dun sound? lolz</p>
<p>i can play that about 10 different ways in my head</p>
<p>Bitter-sweet symphony The Verve?
Viva la Vida Cold Play?</p>
<p>I am 100% sure it is one of those two.</p>
<p>It is one of those two, I’m right aren’t I?</p>
<p>At the risk of horribly embarrassing myself: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 ?</p>
<p>(I know nothing of classical music)</p>
<p>do you mean, dun dun dun dunnnnn x4
that sounds like beethoven sym 5</p>
<p>I know a piano song that starts off like that called La Campanella. It’s by Liszt. But I think it has fewer dun dun duns.</p>
It was the first one. I always thought it was classical for some reason.</p>
<p>Wow, you’re really good at imagining the sounds. Thanks a ton! I’ve been looking for this song for forever.</p>
<p>Ahh! I love La Campanella! I love Liszt! Love Lieberstraum no. 3 better, though.
That song is absolutely beautiful.</p>
<p>lol that’s like the only Verve song anyone ever listens to. I heard “Lucky Man” once while in Staples, but that is the exception</p>