What's up with so many UF Honors rejections?

Okay three years ago I know people in the College Confidential threads who automatically got in honors with 35+ ACT or like a really high SAT score (I think it was 1520 or so)

This year on the 2025 Acceptance Thread many 35+ ACT or 1500+ SAT students with amazing records didn’t get Honors on their acceptance letters.

Anyone know what’s up? I have actually followed a lot of College Confidential honors threads for five years this year feels way different. Could there be a Glitch or delay with some or its “just odd”?

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Fyi my son didn’t even apply honors that year that’s how I found out about the rule. And back then I think honors decisions were a couple weeks after admission decision.

My son is a National Merit Finalist and he was accepted but did not get into the Honors Program. I wonder what is their criteria to get in?

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What are the benefits of UF Honors? My kid had zero interest in an honors dorm. He is a social kid and a man of the people :joy:. Priority registration was the only thing that I could think of.


I just read a post of somone with 36 ACT great academic record not in honors. Huh? This definitely wasn’t an issue in prior years what’s up?

I think I saw that the decisions for honors are made by a group or committee of honors students, not adults in admissions. My son, who is not the best creative writer but had 34 ACT, 4.57 wgpa, 13 APs, etc, also didn’t get it.


Students choose based on the essay.

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This has happened for the past couple of years. If you search through threads from last year and the year before, there were tons of posts about it. My daughter decided not to apply last year because the process seemed wonky and the program didn’t seem that great anyway.


I have heard that the essays are thoroughly reviewed and assessed on the answering all parts of the questions asked and not straying off topic to write about your qualifications or reworking some essay you already had written. Hope this helps.

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My daughter was accepted into the honors program last year. She loves the program and thinks it is totally worth it. The program has helped her socialize a lot even during covid. She is very social and loves living in Hume. The classes you get to take are fun and taught by great professors they go on trips and have special events. The parking garage is right behind the dorm and safe. She gets to register first which helped getting in person classes. A lot of the clubs/programs on campus are resume and interview based, she is always complimented about getting into honors. She thinks it has helped getting leadership programs. It is a very small percentage that get accepted. Students can apply for honors sophomore too. The kids in the program are not “nerds”. They go out but also really focus on their studies.


You can apply for the honors if you make the dean’s list.

My UF 2023 D got accepted into Honors. My 2025 D just got accepted into UF but not into honors. Both girls had nearly identical testing stats (really amazing scores on both SAT and ACT). 2023 D had slighter higher GPA (almost a 5.0) but 2025 D’s GPA still great at 4.8. Somewhat disappointed that 2025 D did not get invited into Honors but it is what it is. She will be fine. There is always the lateral admissions into honors after one year, if she is still interested…


What benefits are offered by the Honors program?


DS is #1 in his class, 35 ACT, national recognition ECs, no Honors acceptance.

It’s interesting because my daughter was admitted to honors and I tried to find this on the UF website. Several of the links don’t work and I couldn’t find a cohesive listing of significant benefits (other than they’re breaking ground in a new dorm). Compared to UGA’s detailed breakout of investment in research/study abroad/small group community feel and UVA Echols, I was surprised there wasn’t more detail from UF. I know that people are impressed with UF Honors but I just haven’t been able to find much detail.

My 2023 D is in Honors. The honors dorm (Hume) is a nice dorm. But the real advantage is that honors students get to register for their classes before others. That’s a nice perk.

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Hi there, congrats to your daughter, my son was accepted too! Have you watched the YouTube videos they have? - search for UF Honors Virtual Info Session- i think its a 6 part series, its similar content to the live virtual info session we watched back in Jan., I think they were recorded last year but good info on the program (and admissions process too.) I noticed in that article they have doubled staff for Honors so maybe they will be enhancing the website and offerings this year and going forward.

I recently read the stats for the Honors class of 2025. Some incredible tests scores! But I feel the need to vent a bit: I have a 2023 D in honors. Her younger sister, 2025 D had almost identical test scores, just a tad lower. 2025 D had a 1510 SAT and 34 ACT. Tons of EC’s and volunteering. Good essay (in my opinion). Got accepted into UF but not into Honors. Her scores are higher than the average scores for the 2025 class. Maybe they didn’t like her essay? It’s just bugging me that she wasn’t offered a spot in honors. Why was one of my kids not admitted into honors but a different kid was? Practically identical students (at least on paper). Anyone have any insights on this?

My OOS S21 (engineering) didn’t get into honors either. 1580 SAT, 4.0 uw, will probably be Val or Sal, lots of leadership and long-term ECs, hundreds of hours of meaningful community service that related to his major. He worked hard on his honors essay and I thought it was very good.

He just got into UConn Honors with a pretty big scholarship. Also has acceptances at Georgia Tech and University of Michigan. I’m not sure what went wrong with UF honors but his acceptance there is certainly less appealing without the honors dorm and priority course registration.


Your 2025 D’s stats are incredible. I’m surprised she wasn’t accepted for Honors. What was her UW GPA?