<p>Doubt it will happen, so might as well dull down the pain.</p>
<p>Senior attending semi-competitive HS in South-Central Jersey (sends one Ivies, three-ish to top 40 schools)</p>
<p>Plan to major in Civil Engineering, </p>
<p>ACT: Composite 33 - 34 English, 33 Math, 31 Reading, 34 Science, 32 Writing
SAT II's: Physics 650
Math IIC 690
(Unrealistic because I realized I had to take them a week before the test date, don't think they accurately measure my skills and I mentioned this in Addt'l. Info)</p>
<p>GPA: Right around a 4 weighted, 3.7 unweighted.
Classes: Most rigorous curriculum: All honors and AP classes.
APs: Soph: AP Macroeconomics-4
Junior: AP Spanish Language-(Couldn't take test)
Senior: AP Physics (Well, it's not AP, but its the same coursework/load and I plan to take the test)
AP Calculus AB
AP Microeconomics</p>
<p>EC's- National Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society
F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Team, member of founding team as senior
designer/engineer. We won the NJ regionals and won a Rookie
all-star award, after which we went to the world champs in Atlanta.
Morning TV show, I created a lot of attractive, professional grade Flash
Intros which really got everyone talking!
Habitat for Humanity
Perhaps one or two more as the year goes by.</p>
<p>Work experience(significant!)</p>
<p>Worked in a construction company all four years of high school. I started as skilled labor(electrics, plumbing, carpentry) and moved up to more professional jobs. I am now a project manager, sales consultant, in marketing, and I've created a website for our firm. It's a serious job in which I've used a lot of stuff I learned in school. I'm also given full-scale responsibilities, like some sales presentations and crew management, no easy stuff. I can run most machinery, including excavators and large tractors, and tools. I hope colleges look at this as a much more involved employment as opposed to something like working in a supermarket (nothing wrong with that, but my job's way more intensive!)</p>
<p>Special considerations, if any:</p>
<p>Come from a low-income family for where we live, I think. I'll do the EFC thing today with my folks, but I expect it to be at most $2,500. I work very hard to support it. I used to work around 30-35 hours a week before, now due to the housing slump, that has increased to near 35-40 hours, taking away some time I could've used to study, play lax, etc. I heard the Ivies+top schools have a hard time attracting lower income kids, so I'm hoping mentioning this will help me. I worte about it in the extra info section and mentioned a snippet in my essay.</p>
<p>Thanks for your input.</p>