<p>If u don’t get into penn, what will be ur second choice (please dont post more than 2 possible choices, cuz I know lot of people apply to 20 schools).</p>
<p>Don’t want to be a pessimist, but would just like to know of back-ups.</p>
<p>Mine is UNC or Wake Forest … havent applied to either yet :(</p>
<p>If I can't get Penn...I guess I'd like Yale...or maybe Harvard...but I'm dreaming a bit much, I think! :) At this point in time, I don't have any safties planned! (dumb I know, but I'm intl. so don't see the point of going faaaaaar overseas to a place nobody's heard of! My parents don't either :( but then again, they also think I've got more of a chance than I think I've got! lol :))</p>