<p>Is it just me, or are there way more out there unrealistic lists then ever before on CC?</p>
<p>maybe man, where's your list though?</p>
<p>My list: HBS, Stanford B, Chicago B. Unfortunately I need to work a couple more years before applying. Harvard '04. Was a transfer who when applying as a freshman seriously overestimated my chances. As did my stupid college counselor and my mom.</p>
<p>B stands for Business, I assume?</p>
<p>And back in the heady days when I was sure HYP would see what a great candidate I was, competition was nothing like it is now. The whole BS concept that they're reaches for everyone makes me laugh. I don't think it's too hard to look at a few posting from a candidate and see their chances to a large degree. Do they write well and sound intelligent and with it? If yes, they probably have good essays. Only wild card is the recs. But even there, you can tell from a few posts who is realistic. So when they say great recs you either believe it or not.</p>
<p>I do really relate to a lot of the posters who come from schools that don't send a lot of kids to ivies. So many are considered stars in their community. Their college counselor is sure their val (and any val) will be welcomed by HYPS with open arms. A good EC is president of student counsel. Starring in the school play is a huge deal. People live in bubbles.</p>
<p>Hey bobby, long time no see! What is up this year with all the crazy lists. And the people with the unrealistic lists telling each other they'll get in!! And my favorites are the chance threads where someone is told Amherst-match, NYU-reach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be a cold April here on CC.</p>
<p>It's pop culture, telling us that schools aren't really as hard to get in as they appear. Believe me, I thought that about Tufts. The worst part is that good schools are playing with their statistics and lower acceptance inorder to move up in the college pecking order, so all of admissions has become a complete crapshoot.</p>
<p>Eh, I am new here, so I can't really say, but I think having unrealistic schools on your list is almost part of the experience. You apply to a few schools where you really have no chance at getting in, just so you can say you tried. Hell, I just got accepted to a school that my grades and SAT's probablly would indicate that I couldn't get into (Carleton College).</p>
<p>So, being unrealistic isn't a totally bad thing, at least in my opinion. But I do agree that some of the chancers are unrealistic, NYU>Amherst is a joke.</p>
<p>Unrealistic? I'm still not sure what you mean - unrealistic in the way we chance them, or unrealistic ideas of where they are going.</p>
<p>It's all a crapshoot! And MLEVINE07, did you take that catchphrase from me? Grrrr! MY CATCHPHRASE! :D</p>
<p>Why, yes I did! It's so accurate!</p>