<p>Titanic. I can’t get enough of that movie. I watched it last weekend, and I had to resist the urge to watch it again after I finished it.</p>
<p>^ my soul mates! all my friends hate titanic. when it came out, i didn’t even know english. for the longest time i took it as a simple love story. now all grown up, i see the feminist undertone that draws me so near!</p>
<p>^How is it feminist? Doesn’t it end “man dieing to save woman’s life”?</p>
<p>all of my friends hate it now because i made us all watch it at like 5 of my birthday parties in a row :D</p>
<p>i hate when people call things feminist that AREN’T feminist. like, get a clue.</p>
<p>yes yes yes yes!</p>
<p>Punch Lady.</p>
<p>Really hard to say but i really really like Harold and Kumar, all the National lampoon’s and Bachelor’s Party Las Vegas was pretty cool.</p>
<p>Not all time favorites but one of my favorites.</p>
<p>Classic: “It Happened One Night” and “Its a Wonderful Life”, huge fan of Frank Capra
Modern: “500 Days of Summer” and “Saving Private Ryan”
Animated: “Up”
Recent: “The Hurt Locker”</p>
<p>The Illusionist
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Moulin Rouge
<p>LOTR. Though it is really 3 movies, so it’s not quite fair to compare it to others… And I agree that nothing compares with the book.</p>
<p>Hair. I can watch it over and over again.</p>
<p>Pulp Fiction, Sherlock Holmes, 21, Avatar :-)</p>
<p>Midlred Pierce
The Bad Seed
Rush Hour 1 & 2
All the Resident Evils</p>
<p>The Little Princess …don’t judge me.</p>
<p>Inglourious Basterds or Slumdog Millionaire.</p>
<p>Why are these movies your favorites? (just asking everyone because I’m curious)</p>
<p>American History X because the acting is off the charts and it is very raw and not censored and hyped up like most modern movies.</p>
<p>^lol! u should have kept it as ‘rawr’ :P</p>
<p>^^ I watched that movie in religion class…brutal! is all i have to say. (and yes, my religion teacher is cool like that)</p>
<p>I also like the Little rascals (classic)</p>
<p>Mysterious Skin</p>