What's your favorite word?

<p>haha nonchalant aint that cool :-D</p>

<p>foible is also a cool word. it sounds funny. foy-bull hahahahah it makes me laugh</p>

<p>shrek me n phil can take you any day!:)</p>

<p>u wish :-D ill use my asian skills and kungfu ur butt to canada</p>

<p>you guys are trying too hard. my fave word... sex. it sounds delicious. just say it. ahh.</p>

<p>cantankerous and dilatory!</p>

<p>lol haha but I don't think the word itself is cool, it's just the overrated definition that gets people riled up.</p>

<p>It's a nice break from all these SAT words though <em>shudder</em></p>

<p>lol i thot of marcy's playground sex and candy - ooooh good song</p>

good word, good thing</p>

<p>no!! it even looks cool. its because of the x at the end. but yeah, too many sat words. enough is enough, we know you guys are smart.</p>

you guys are trying too hard. my fave word... sex. it sounds delicious. just say it. ahh.


<p>Okay, yeah, that's my quote of the day for sure. Bwahahahahaha!</p>

<p>ooh i chnage my mind. sex and candy... two best words. they both sound like happiness.</p>

<p>Plush... sounds sooo good.</p>

<p>Plush is the kind of word you could just curl up on in front of a fire and fall asleep on. It's the kind of word you can fluff under your head. It's so soft...and velvet. I like it. Good choice.</p>

<p>mm plush
geez phil u just made me feel really cold for not having velvet and fire.</p>

<p>haha. 'cause those are obviously things you need to have to not feel cold: velvet and fire. Yeah, it's sleepy time. <em>wipes eyes</em></p>

<p>lol aww when's the show tonight?</p>

<p>it was at 2:30 this afternoon. two down, two to go. yeah, I'm exhausted. I'm reading for gov't and then crashing.</p>

<p>Does it have to be in English?</p>

<p>My favorite English word is "Strumpet." I remember it from Othello and all i could think of was proper old English gentlemen sitting around having "tea and strumpets." I know...weird. I also think "hobbyhorse" is a nice word.</p>

<p>ohh I didn't get to wish you good luck beforehand, but I guess you didn't need it. Was it as good as the last? What am I saying, of course it was. Three cheers for phil =)</p>

<p>It was as good as the last, I think. Sunday afternoon shows are hard for whatever reason. But muito obrigado for the thanks and cheers. It's fun. Col. Hugh Pickering rocks! RIGHTEOUS!</p>