What's your intended major?

<p>Hi all!
Well since it will be a while before we hear back from the colleges, I thought it might be cool if we all got to know each other a little bit better and mentioned what we hope to major in at our future school's and why that major interests you, or what caused you to want to pursue a career in that field. (If you are still undecided then mention what major you may want to look into.)</p>

<p>I guess I'll start, I want to major in chemical engineering because I want to work with pharmacueticals to make cheaper medicines, since personally, I know how buying medicines can become a big financial burden on low-income communities.
Sorry for the long post, but maybe this will take our minds off of the 2+ months of waiting.</p>

<p>Biomechanical Engineering or some sort of engineering. I have always liked math and science, but a trip to Tanzania last year really made me think that engineering is the key to helping reduce poverty in third world countries.</p>

<p>Anthropology and Pre-med. Do research to discover effective region-specific treatment methods to the big diseases (TB, AIDS) in extremely poor nations.</p>

<p>Such a long wait…</p>

<p>I am still undecided. I am a math, science, and computer guy (typical geek i guess?). I REALLY want to do computer science, physics, mathematics, and engineering. ALL of it. If I had more time in life, I would do all of it. Anyways, I am leaning towards Computer/Electrical engineering with computer science/mathematics. Its a way to include as much of the things I want to study I guess.</p>

<p>Math and/or Physics currently, though that’s subject to change.</p>

<p>Classics while on the Pre-Med track.</p>



<p>I want to go into education &administration to better the American education system (disparities galore!!!) or nonprofit work, both here &in other countries.</p>

<p>I want to go into neuroscience and help stroke victims, since I have been living with my disabled stepfather my whole life and he has changed my world around.</p>

<p>Creative Writing. Possibly a double major in Spanish… just because it’s easy for me, and then I’d actually have a degree in something that’s more reliable than writing… I’m out of my mind, but I just love writing.</p>

<p>Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities! But I said I wanted to major in Human Biology on my app and later changed my mind. Should I tell them?</p>

<p>Computer Science or Human biology. Both of which are excellent at Stanford. Then again, most everything is.</p>

<p>@ Schrizto
U don’t need to tell them because when u first go into stanford u won’t have an already declared major until u, well, formally declare it to the school of which u are interested.</p>

<p>I put undecided. I literally have no clue what I want to do with my life so I was just honest.</p>

<p>History and Philosophy! possibly Political Science. :)</p>

<p>Economics, but that may be subject to change.</p>

<p>Originally English because of my love of good literature. After taking various English courses for about a year and a half, I switched to Comparative Literature although with many doubts about the future of the degree. </p>

<p>I’m thinking about switching to Economics. It’s in comparison more marketable than either of my previous choices and I think I would enjoy it more. The debate as to what I should minor in is still an ongoing issue.</p>