<p>Number of schools: 11; 3-instate, 8 OOS Privates
Reaches: 8
Matches: zero, since I'd be more than happy to go to one of my safety schools. (So it would seriously suck if I didn't get in.)
Safeties: 3 plus 1 (I'm guaranteed into a UC, which will probably be Riverside or Merced.)</p>
<p>tawo, I think you should go for it. Looking back on these threads, people seemed to regret not applying to more reach schools. I found two safeties I really liked and am nearly positive I will get into, and then I applied to all reaches.</p>
<p>yawn, I’m sorry. =( Hopefully it works out!</p>
<p>If I get in SCEA, then one more reach and one safety here in Canada.
If I get deferred/rejected, five more reaches and three safeties in Canada (mostly for $$$)</p>
<p>My counselor says about 10 in total- 3 in each category, plus 1 extra.</p>
<p>My list:
2 true safeties
3 safeties/matches (technically “matches”, but my counselor says I have a pretty good shot at getting in)
4 matches (might not apply to one of them)
2 reaches (might not apply to one of them)
2 far reaches</p>