<p>CSE 421 - Algorithms
CSE 451 - Operating Systems
CSE 473 - Artificial Intelligence
Phys 217 - Future of Sustainable Energy</p>
<p>So…lots of CS. XD</p>
<p>CSE 421 - Algorithms
CSE 451 - Operating Systems
CSE 473 - Artificial Intelligence
Phys 217 - Future of Sustainable Energy</p>
<p>So…lots of CS. XD</p>
<p>sumzup: OS, AI, and Algos all in one quarter? I heard a lot of crazy stories about that combo (especially OS/AI, but at least it isn’t OS/compilers). Good luck ;A;</p>
<p>I’m sort of hoping that AI will end up being relatively easy (Rao seems much more relaxed than other profs). If it’s too crazy at the outset I’ll probably drop one of them.</p>
<p>Bioc 405
Phys 114
CSE 131</p>
<p>A lot of 100 level classes for a junior but you gotta take what you gotta take.</p>
<p>How are you liking CSE 131? I took it last spring :)</p>
<p>@travelgirl: I know that there are some W credits in foreign languages but they’re things like Chicano Literature. So it’s not your typical SPAN 101,201,301 type of thing.</p>