What's your stance on the issues?

That's not going to happen. At the very most, 10% of the population has homosexual tendencies. The human race is not going to die out because of gay people, sheesh.


That's not going to happen TOMORROW, but within years; and with the help of the media, kids will start turning homosexual within time. Also, don't gay people usually carry the HIV virus by majority?</p>

<p>Nope. Gay people do not carry the HIV virus by majority.
And people don't just turn homosexual. It's not something that people just decide... The average teenager is not going to wake up tomorrow and say 'Hey, I'm gonna be gay today'.</p>

<p>I'm talking about kids, during infancy. Would they not be encouraged in the future? If in the future, a huge majority is gay/les, then the media will have great influence. How exactly do people wonder about his/her sex? become gay?</p>

<p>1)Gay marriage: i'm a Christian and don't exactly agree with their lifesttyle choices, BUT i strongly believe that the government should have no say in who can or cannot be together. There is no reason why homosexuals should be denied benefits - you may not agree with their lifestyle, but they are still people.</p>

<p>2)I am for birth control, and am pro-choice - it depends on the persons situation.</p>

<p>3) I am definetly against AA. it would be a great thing....... in a perfect world where people don't abuse it. However, as you all know, that is not the case. I don't think that race should be brought into something like this - you are either qualified (academically) or you are not, whether you are white, black, asian, native american.. Its that simple.</p>

<p>However, i am for AA in regards to a persons economic backgroud. In this case, no one race is "prefered", but only those that really need it can use it - unfortunately, anyone can be poor.</p>

<p>They won't be encouraged. You speak of homosexuality as if it were a disease, and not just another expression of human sexuality. Sexuality is something that is developed as you mature and is different for every person. Anyway... from Kinsey's research (which has been pretty much proven to give overestimates for the number of homosexuals in the general population), an absolute upper bound for the number of homosexuals/bisexuals in the general population would be 10%, and in reality it would be more like 2-3% homosexual. (here the interpretation of homosexuality is excluding bisexuality, pansexuality and other steps on the 'queer' spectrum). Doesn't look to me as if a huge majority of the population will ever be LGBT...</p>

Nope. Gay people do not carry the HIV virus by majority.
And people don't just turn homosexual. It's not something that people just decide... The average teenager is not going to wake up tomorrow and say 'Hey, I'm gonna be gay today'.


<p>you'd be surprised...</p>

<p>being gay is not genetic. there is no valid proof.</p>

They won't be encouraged. You speak of homosexuality as if it were a disease, and not just another expression of human sexuality. Sexuality is something that is developed as you mature and is different for every person. Anyway... from Kinsey's research (which has been pretty much proven to give overestimates for the number of homosexuals in the general population), an absolute upper bound for the number of homosexuals/bisexuals in the general population would be 10%, and in reality it would be more like 2-3% homosexual. (here the interpretation of homosexuality is excluding bisexuality, pansexuality and other steps on the 'queer' spectrum). Doesn't look to me as if a huge majority of the population will ever be LGBT...


<p>you might as well get a second opinion from a fortune teller. you really seriously think you can predict a whole human race's behaviour? what type of procedures did they conduct their studies with? who said that the human race will continue on the same trend?</p>

<p>Gay people are not any more likely to carry the HIV virus than straight people. It's a matter of whether or not people protect themselves. Unfortunately, the media has portrayed gay people to be promiscuous and more likely to have multiple partner, whereas the reality is they are no more likely than a heterosexual person.
Scientists/doctors really don't know why some people are gay, and others are not. They have put forth various theories (genetics, environment, one suggests that a certain part of the brain is larger in homosexual people, etc.)</p>

<p>[change in subject]</p>

<p>Capital Punishment: I'm against capital punishment, because I think that it's too easy for them. In my opinion, spending the rest of ones life in a tiny cell (23 hours per day) is a harsher punishment than spending about 10 years in a small cell, then dying.</p>

<li>against it, but support gay civil unions</li>
<li>against abortion, but don't really care about birth control </li>
<li>strongly against AA</li>

<p>war in iraq: for
war on terror: for
capital punishment: not really sure
english as the one and only national language: for
military action against north korea: for
universal health care: against
privitizing social security: for
legalization of pot: not really sure
government corrupt welfare: against
genetic engineering: for
protecting the boarders/sending illegals the hell out: for</p>

<p>And it's well documented that while the gay population isn't the only carrier of AIDS now, it was heavily involved in the start of it. You can't deny that when AIDS first started it was especially rampant in the gay population.</p>

protecting the boarders/sending illegals the hell out: for


<p>That's too racist don't you think?</p>

I'm talking about kids, during infancy. Would they not be encouraged in the future? If in the future, a huge majority is gay/les, then the media will have great influence. How exactly do people wonder about his/her sex? become gay?


do kids at very young ages wonder about the nature of heterosexuality? Sure they may grow up with the image of the Prince charming saving the beautiful girl and then living happily ever after, but they don't actually understand it all, especially the sexuality of it.</p>

<p>I hate when people talk about the media influencing kids on their sexual preferences. First of all, there are more important problems with the media - TV violence for instance? That's rampant. But even THEN, TV violence doesn't cause a whole 50% of children to become murderers or even bullies.
Not to mention, the majority of media that involves gays simply makes fun of them - (is it Will and Grace or Dharma and Gregg? I always get these mixed up...both are probably good examples).</p>

<p>homosexuality is not a recent phenomenon. It has existed for millenia. And people centuries ago were persecuted for it - do you actually think that they would CHOOSE to be gay? that they were somehow convinced to be gay? I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to believe that any rational person would fall for that...
homosexuality isn't something that can easily be influenced by the media, because it's not a >conscious< or >rational< choice and never has been.
and legalizing gay marriage isn't going to change the fact that 1. homosexuality is now in the open and WILL be in the media anyway and 2. we would be undermining democratic ideals if we try to suppress it.</p>

<p>LADY, i couldn't have said it any better my self ;)</p>

<p>1) Mirroring what some other people said, I'm not against it, but I don't think I would march on Washington for that issue alone (but Sept. 24-26, I'm marching for all the issues!) I think we have to protect the civil rights of all citizens, including gay marriage/civil unions.</p>

<p>2) I am in favor of birth control. I can see why the Pope would be against it (because in some twisted mind it would promote sexual behavior because people don't have to worry about pregnancy), but it is to my understanding that hard-line Catholics are against it in ALL situations, even for married couples. For abortion, I'm anti-abortion but pro a woman's right to choose. Basically, I seriously don't think anyone is "pro-abortion" (like myself) but I respect a woman's reproductive rights. Abortion to correct an "oops" pregnancy is rediculous, but we must leave it as an option in cases of incest and rape. But I do support banning third-trimester abortions (or late-term, whatever they are called). Infants can live even being born that prematurely, so I don't think late-term abortions are acceptable.</p>

<p>Other issues:</p>

<p>-In favor of a ban on assault weapons
-In favor of universal health care
-In favor of a repeal of President Bush's tax cuts.
-In favor of affirmative action (though not a point system; and it needs to be retooled)
-Opposed to privitization of Social Security (see the disasters in Chile and Britain as examples)
-Opposed to death penalty (though if I were a prosecutor, I would not legislate from my position; if the toughest penalty was for the death penalty in a crime, I would push for it. It's not my business to let my personal beliefs affect the wishes of the family)
-In favor of election reform (ie. - paper ballots that are traceable, enough polling machines for all, especially in poorer areas)
-Against the war in Iraq
-Against MainStreamMedia corporate whoreism
-And finally, opposed to Big Oil companies making $4 billion PROFIT in ONE fiscal quarter while screwing us common-folk :D</p>

<p>1) For--gays are the last minority without civil rights.
2) Pro-birth control, pro-choice. I'm inclined to think that a fetus isn't a human being the same way a piece of metal isn't a car. Besides, nobody can prove to me that a fetus is a human being, and we can't go around legislating based on faith. I'm also opposed to making abortion legal/illegal based on trimesters and other arbitrary lines. You either have to make that distinction at conception (which I think is ludicrous) or birth.
3) For, based on both race and economic status, but more so the latter. I also think we should socialize education and pay more attention to it in general.
4) -Opposed to both political parties and their corporate backers
-Opposed to exploitation by the powerful (here and abroad)
-Opposed to imperialism
-Opposed to the new US fascism
-Opposed to the death penalty
-Opposed to capitalism
-Opposed to the illusion of freedom used to stifle rebellion
-Opposed to the American government
-In favor of revolution
Rant over.</p>

<p>LadyInRed: WOuld you allow the gay marriage of your own children if they choose to be gay? (assuming you will/have children)</p>

<p>What do you think about a gay priest? Or gay president? Hmm.</p>

<p>Even though you didn't address me, thesloc, I can answer your questions:
Q: "Would you allow the gay marriage of your own children if they choose to be gay?"
A: Being gay is not a choice. Your question is kind of like asking "have you stopped beating your wife?" to someone who isn't married. If I had gay children, I would absolutely allow them to marry.</p>

<p>Q: "What do you think about a gay priest? Or gay president? Hmm."
A: Sure, why not?</p>

<p>And even though he didn't address me either, I'll answer too.
Q: "Would you allow the gay marriage of your own children if they 'choose' to be gay?"
A. Of course. I would let my future children marry who they love, regardless.</p>

<p>Q: "What do you think about a gay priest? Or gay president? Hmm."
A. Priest isn't relevant to me because I'm an atheist, but I would have absolutely no problems with a gay president as long as he/she did a good job in office.</p>

<p>1.) Gay marriage - perfectly okay. even if they're not married, they're going to be in love...so why not let them get married?
2.) birth control, abortion - birth control is alright. abortion is not. i do not support killing unborn fetuses.
3.) affirmative action - sure, why not?
4.) any other topics - uhh.. i am for universal health care. it really sucks that this country doesn't realize that health care is a right, not a privilege.</p>

<p>1) Strongly against gay "marriage", though I do support equal rights (they can call it a civil union, just not marriage)</p>

<p>2) Birth control is fine, but I strongly oppose abortion. Isn't it funny how liberals support helping poor children in Africa, yet are perfectly fine with killing them at home?</p>

<p>3) I oppoe affirmative action because its not fair to judge someone on the basis of their ancestors being discriminated against (ie. judge everyone equally based on their accomplishments).</p>

<p>4) I support the death pentalty and think it should be used in all states.</p>

Even though you didn't address me, thesloc, I can answer your questions:
Q: "Would you allow the gay marriage of your own children if they choose to be gay?"
A: Being gay is not a choice. Your question is kind of like asking "have you stopped beating your wife?" to someone who isn't married. If I had gay children, I would absolutely allow them to marry.</p>

<p>Q: "What do you think about a gay priest? Or gay president? Hmm."
A: Sure, why not?


<p>How can being gay not be a choice? People aren't born gay.</p>

<p>LOL: Revolution</p>

<p>1.) Help control overpopulation! Support gay marriage!
2.) " " " Support birth control! (especially in China, India & Africa)
3.) AA was definitely necessary and amelioratory early in the civil rights game, but in today's politically correct society I feel that it is only fomenting an ostracism of the white race. Abolish affirmative action!</p>