Wheaton College class of 2027 admits

Anyone here yet about admission? Any thoughts on the school>

My kid just got in. We love the school. It’s wonderful, lovely and they genuinely seem to care about students.

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D23 will be applying RD. We visited Wheaton last year, and liked the overall vibe. Good tour, pretty campus and solid education opportunities. Only downside (per D23) was that Norton didn’t have much going on.

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Got a yes today. Nice scholarship!! 42K/year + stipend for summer classes. Female, STEMS. No SAT scores, 3.87UW, 4.4W (I think), lots of EC and activism/volunteering.


Also got a yes here! Wasn’t expecting a decision until January. I really liked the vibe of the school, and they have a lovely new science building.


Same. :heart_eyes:

Got in! 38k scholarship also!
1250 SAT
3.4w GPA
10 APs, 2 honors
President of the debate team, lots of volunteering/EC’s

Congrats to all who got in!!!


Congrats to all who were accepted! My son is a student at Wheaton and loves it.


My D23 wouldn’t have Norton at the top of her list (though it wouldn’t be at the bottom either) as she is looking for a more urban setting, but for my S21 it has worked well. There is a lot happening on campus - clubs, festivals, music, etc. He has gone into Providence and to the beach with friends. It’s possible to get into Boston on the commuter rail (though my son hasn’t done that, but if my younger kid were there, she would). Norton is quiet for sure. There is a student favorite bagel and coffee place in walking distance, and the students are happy to have a 24 hour Cumberland Farms that just opened right near campus. There is pizza and Thai food nearby, a bakery that parents use to deliver sweet treats to students for finals or birthdays, and of course there is a Dunkin’ or two. Not exactly urban life, haha, but while it’s quiet, it’s not super isolated - a handful of things in walking distance, and the GATRA shuttle can get kids to the train station or to Target, grocery store, etc.

Happy to answer any questions I can.


Thanks. My D23 sounds similar to yours! My D23 liked the school quite a bit, we had a solid tour. We live in the midwest, but my sister and mom live in Boston, so she knows it is really easy to take the train to the city in under an hour, and Providence as you note is close by. I liked the safety aspect - Norton may be “slower” but it’s hard to imagine a place where your kid will be safer. We’re on tuition exchange, so we’ll be waiting until March to know about Wheaton, but it’s definitely high on her list. Happy to hear S21 is doing well there! If she gets the TE offer, I’ll be sure to reach out with some questions!


My D23 accepted ED and received 40k scholarship + grant for intern exp. We visited in the fall from Canada and really loved the school; great tour, facilities, labs, faculty, engaged students, beautiful campus. My D23 is super excited and really looking forward to the close school community and swimming synchro with the Lyons. Not originally one of my D23’s top choices, but after visiting WC won her heart!


Does anyone know if merit has to be accepted separately from admission and if there is a timeline for that? Thx

I don’t know how things are happening this year, but when my son accepted a few years ago, he simply enrolled/accepted admission, and the merit and need-based awards automatically came with it.

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That’s what I thought. But if you are waiting to accept for a bit do you have to do anything? Did your sun accept right away?

He did not accept right away. He was waiting to hear from a few regular decision schools in March. Then we made a trip to see a few of his options (his visits had been prevented earlier in the process due to the start of the pandemic). He didn’t enroll until late April.

Wheaton sent out a round of regular decision notifications on Friday, in case your kiddo hasn’t checked recently.


My son just received his acceptance and generous financial aid package. We haven’t visited yet, but have read what’s available online and hope to visit soon. One question I have is, with all of the great reviews and solid reputation, why is the acceptance rate so high? Another way to ask this, why aren’t more students applying to this school that seems to have so much going for it? Thoughts?

There are tons of SLAC. They are all except for maybe top few fighting for same kids. There have been lots of articles about it.

Big state and city schools are a bigger draw.

So far every kid we’ve met attending next year is pretty top tier, had lots of options and loved Wheaton.

Congrats to your kid.

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So my daughter did an overnight visit last night. She reports that the food was basically inedibile, and she asked several current students about it and they all agreed. She claims she was told that “most people Doordash” because the food is so bad. I’d welcome any input from others and their experience. She was very excited about the school until this.

My son attends and doesn’t have a problem with the food. I do see complaints about it occasionally in the parent fb group. But I’ve seen similar complaints at a number of other schools, and I know it got worse most places since the start of the pandemic (harder to source ingredients and to get staff).

My son has never used doordash and eats on campus the vast majority of the time (95%+). He’s moderately picky but appreciates the simple fact of a college dining hall - choices, all premade for you, and you don’t have to wash the dishes, haha. He likes some things more than others and has developed his go-to options. He appreciates that they are open somewhat late (I think standard is something like 8:30 PM and then there is late night maybe Thur/Fri/Sat until 1:00 or 2:00 AM), and he said he has some friends who are at schools where the dining halls shut down by 7:30pm. I’d say it’s definitely not one of the best (UMass, Bowdoin, etc.) for food, but my general sense is that it’s pretty standard college fare. I have eaten a sandwich from there once that was fine and some of the catering they put out for some parent events and found that good, but that’s all for my own personal experience.