Wheaton College rocks

How did you hear?!?!

S21 got an email to check his portal, and the status update was there. Later I saw that Wheaton posted on instagram about releasing decisions, so I’m thinking maybe everyone got notifications (not just some) ?

Got it!!! yay!!!
Son got in with a very nice scholarship :slight_smile:
We have not been able to visit yet and are eager to in the spring




I got in with a very nice scholarship!


@Jullienyc congratulations!


Daughter got accepted yesterday too with a nice scholarship! Was a nice surprise!


Have you visited?

@rlc010203 Congratulations to your son as well! Yes, we did visit the summer of when my daughter was going into her junior year so it’s been a while. The campus was beautiful although the dorm we saw was very dated looking. However they since have built what looks like a beautiful new dorm, but that was built after we visited. It seemed like a very caring community with nice kids and professors who genuinely care about its students with solid academics. I’ve only heard very positive things about this school. My daughter wasn’t very impressed with the general area around the school mostly b/c she thought there wasn’t enough nearby. She is not a city kid so she doesn’t want urban but still she was hoping for a little more lively. We live in Massachusetts and need to go back to explore the area a little more. Mansfield is not far and seems like that area offers a little more. Anyway, it’s definitely on our list to seriously consider as we need the merit money and the school has a lot going for it! Good luck!


Plus seems like the close proximity to Providence snd Boston is a nice perk for weekend or as they get older

we are anxious to visit!

My daughter is a first year at Wheaton and has a similar spectacular (despite Covid) experience. She had left most of her visiting until spring last year and therefore had to choose a college having never seen most campuses. She poured over internet sources and was connected with a few current students through admissions and the athletic department. The president even shared a half hour of his time for a private Zoom conversation! She felt a connection and committed.

The one thing EVRERYONE said was that Wheaton is friendly. A few weeks after being there she told me all of the reviews were true and that the people were the nicest she has ever met.

Her classes have been half in person and half online. She has made great connections with her professors and they have already opened up opportunities for her.

Wheaton was the right choice for her. I am very much looking forward to seeing what happens next year when campus opens up more. (fingers crossed)


@purling glad your D has had a good experience her first year despite COVID. Thank you for providing the info - I’m so happy that there is more being shared about Wheaton this year on CC.

We have an on-campus tour planned for later in March (and one at Clark as well).


@BGTENN , thank you for all the info!

My son was just accepted to Wheaton, and I wanted to ask you and @purling about the campus size. We live in the EU and will not be able to visit campus before making the decision, but my son has a chronic illness that sometimes affects his mobility. He is very interested in Pine Hall, the wellness dorm, but it is the furthest away from most of the academic buildings. How far of a walk is it, time-wise?

Also, could you tell us a bit more about the first-year and sophomore projects?

Many thanks!

I asked my daughter how far it is from Pine to furthest academic building. She estimated about .35 miles. She is runner so is most likely pretty accurate as she wears a GPS watch. She said there are slight hills.
She will get back to me with an explanation of projects.

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Congrats to your son. Wheaton’s campus is pretty small, I’ve walked a lot on it. And actually Pine isn’t much further from the academic buildings than many other dorms. It’s also close to the main dining hall; and the newest most comfortable form as well.
Sorry I can’t really speak to the 1st year and sophomore projects. But I do know that my son enjoyed his 1st year seminar enough — he didn’t get his top choice but his second.
Great college, nurturing environment, super academics.


By area, Wheaton’s campus measures larger than many, at 478 acres. By this standard, it appears to be a few times larger than that of most urban campuses, such as that of, say, Brown (146 acres). However, Pine Hall seems contiguous with the heart of Wheaton’s campus, with the true perimeter locations consisting mostly of athletic facilities, playing fields and parking lots.


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Great! Thank you!

What is your son’s major? Mine is interested in something bio/biochem/neuroscience.

We visited this weekend and while Pine was set back the furthest of the first year dorms, they were really all in the same general area, and the walk from Pine wouldn’t be significantly longer than the walk from the other first year dorms.

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Great! I thank you so much for your insight.

So, what did you and your son think? Did you learn anything new? Has he made a decision?

I know that my son is excited, by we are trying not to get our hopes up too high until we see the FinAid offer.