Wheaton MA - happy student

Having a great experience at Wheaton MA. It has exceeded our expectations. Thought we’d share that it’s been positive, challenging, welcoming for us. And lots of activities.

Can I ask for some more details? Major, food, dorms, extracurricular activities, off campus things to do? How are the kids? Activities for kids who don’t drink?

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Sure - major is International Relations - they have great international internships and study abroad opportunities. Even short trips - the president takes students twice a year to African countries to teach Entrepreneurship to students at a local village. And you can take classes at Brown - for a larger selection. Food is great, we often have food trucks. Lots of extra curriculars - singing groups, improv groups, games, intramurals, - they keep us busy. If you don’t drink - there’s still plenty to do - one group goes rock climbing on Friday nights. Every really supports each other.

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@Coll67 thank you so much for the information! Friday night rock climbing sounds great!

I’ve heard great things about Wheaton College, MA – it’s open, has a gorgeous campus, a great history. It’s situated between two great cities. I think it’s also part of the 12 college exchange, which makes for nice opportunities for students to take semesters at other nice schools.

Glad to hear that your experience has been a happy one.