When a university says its holistic... they DONT WANT CHANCE THREADS

<p>Yah just stop lol.. waste of thread space... pointless in accuracy of decisions... so useless wasting ur time bragging about urself... modesty is the best policy...</p>

<p>That is All.</p>

<p>Amen to that. I don’t even bother to read chance threads.</p>

<p>i third that</p>

<p>chances are getting really stale by now. after you’ve been on the site for a couple of years (even months), you puke when you see one.</p>

<p>but hey guys, on a side note, if my gpa is a 3.98, my SAT score is 2290, and I only have 10 AP’s with no physics, do you think MIT will still accpet me. plz chance me, thx.</p>

<p>XD. lol</p>

<p>^^ lol</p>

<p>I think its funny to see ■■■■■■ post chance threads, but other than that, they are pretty annoying.</p>

<p>Hey Prime235, how did ya get 2290 on the SAT? I thought you would get 2350 since you are Prime235 lol…</p>

<p>Anyways BEST OF LUCK</p>

<p>I say CC should ban them… only advice should be given on how to pursue applications… this website becomes an ego builder…</p>

<p>eh…but what’s wrong with boosting insecure ppls’ egos :P</p>

<p>^^what is the point of provoking them… do you have some sort of sick pleasure from that??? LOL</p>

<p>I agree, chance threads are annoying and full of embelishment, BUT we don’t have the right to suck dry the marrow of their first amendment right to freedom of speech; seriously, it’s just an online forum…don’t read it if you don’t like it.</p>

<p>Well I had a chance thread but i was wondering how much my low CR would hurt. So I was hoping that would have been okay. I just thought it would be appropriate to discuss how my CR would affect my admission. But the people who had like 3.9 and 2350 still putting chance threads, for them it really is just a crapshoot, it’s not like they have much wrong with their application so what’s the point of a chance thread?</p>

<p>There’s a simple solution. If you dont like chance threads, dont read them and dont respond to them. BTW, I doubt very much that colleges, “holistic” or not, give a rat’s @@@ about chance threads.</p>

<p>Agreed, I can’t believe that I actually did one a month or two bacck.</p>

<p>Amen. I used to think chances threads were awesome when I first joined this site. Now I scoff at the sight of someone asking “Please chance me for HYPSM…”. I have this nasty habit of jumping in and shouting “■■■■■!!!” just to see their response. After they retaliate I make a sincere apology and say “In all seriousness, all of those colleges are really high reaches” just to break their heart.</p>

<p>if I worked for admission to a university, I would be excited if people were posting millions of chance threads for MY UNIVERSITY. This would indicate that there is a lot of excitement around my university, and a lot of people want to get in really badly.</p>

<p>For the record, I don’t think the MIT admissions officers who occasionally read this forum look badly on chances threads. I don’t think they read them, either, but they don’t dislike them in and of themselves.</p>

<p>I think they dislike the culture of craziness that CC sometimes represents, and which those of us students/parents/alums who post here are trying to keep at a low boil.</p>

<p>Mollie you are amazing. I dont know what I would do without you.</p>

<p>@quantize, i don’t think it matters when you are as presitigious as MIT or HYP…</p>

<p>But really, can’t you say almost the same thing about decision threads? </p>

<p>Unless you put so much subjective info in there that anyone could identify you with a Google search, the thread just looks like a random collection of stats. </p>

<p>The seeming randomness of the 2012 decision thread just proves how holistic MIT is, IMO.</p>

<p>Not that that’s reassuring…</p>