When Academic Freedom Collides with Students' Personal Beliefs

I find the story ironic, because the woman put that exhibit together to protest the very attitudes which were expressed by the students who complained.

I am sorry, but you cannot use rules that are considered religious oppression in Iran, and now call them “sensitivity” because they’re being enacted in Minnesota. If the artist weren’t Iranian, there would be place to rethink, because to be honest, it’s not really the place of anyone who is not an Iranian woman to use shock to bring forward the issues of this type of oppression. Such an exhibit would convey “look how oppressive THEY are, unlike US”. But she is Iranian and she is a woman, so yes, it was her right.

In general, any exhibit which has violence or nudity should have warning and the possibility to avoid seeing it. So the end solution is what they should have done from the beginning.

Kudos to the administration that they chose the right solution, albeit after some issues.


The President of Hamline is retiring. Here is a gifted link to the article:


Thanks for the gifted article. I was wondering if the president would step aside.