when applying to SLS .. PSAT score...

<p>When applying to SLS..</p>

<p>Should I send my PSAT scores only? or with SAT score?</p>

<p>I've got 1950(math 800, CR 560 , WR 590) on SAT
i've got 202 on my PSAT last year.
Therefore, I might get around 205~210 this year on my PSAT
I am pretty sure that my range will be around 205~210</p>

<p>If so, which is preferred way to send my score?
Only my PSAT score? or both PSAT and SAT score?</p>

<p>Do admissioners acknowledges that SAt is harder than PSAT?</p>

<p>Is there space for both scores on the application? </p>

<p>I do not know how they look at PSAT vs SAT, but if they ask for an SAT score and you have taken it, then you should report it. </p>

<p>SLS is not the "be all - end all" in applying to West Point. If you get accepted to SLS, then great, but if you do not, then do not despair. Acceptances to SLS are distributed evenly around the US - there is a geographic component to the acceptance process as well.</p>

<p>If there's space to report both scores, I'd do it. Both of your scores are good anyway, so I don't think there's much to worry about.</p>

<p>In the past there has been space for both scores.</p>

<p>When I applied there was space for both scores and with an 800 math you have nothing to worry about.</p>