<p>Currently on CommonApp, you can sign up as an eleventh grader and fill out all of your general information- but when will I be able to begin my actual applications for colleges' acceptance for the class of 2014. I would like to have all of my applications done by this summer (before June), and I would like to begin soon- when will CommonApp make these schools class of 2014 application available?</p>
<p>Anybody doing what I'm doing by the summer or am I crazy?</p>
<p>Are they the same essays every year; for example, will I be able to write the class of 2013 essay for my class of 2014 essay to Penn? Will it be the same for all/most schools? Any way to find out? Also- I can write any essay for the CommonApp part, and it will remain when I apply next year, right? Thanks.</p>
<p>you can start now technically if you want…and i advise that starting earlier is better. That is what i did. although you cannot start up ur common app now with like a username and password (u cant do that till like july 1st). But the essay topics are the same, so you can start typing up your essays and have a longggg time to revise and edit them.</p>
<p>…but you have to remember too that many colleges, especially penn, have their own supplement essays that most times change every year and arent released till mid summer…so you most of the time you cant get a head start on the college’s supplements</p>
<p>OH shiznat, just read that on July 1st, all data is cleared :-/ what about essays for specific schools like Penn, Harvard, Princeton- will those stay the same? I will write my CommonApp essay definitely before the summer as I know those stay the same from year to year. what about schools’ specific essays? do they stay the same?</p>
<p>most essay topics stay the same or might slightly be altered… but the general theme is always the same… (e.g. your most influential person, event, book… or life experience, your greatest achievement)
So you can start writing the essays now…
Keep close relationships with your teachers and ask for the recommendations before the summer vacation… to give them plenty of time to write you good letters of reco… there may be special forms to fill out for each college but those letters will still be used. Some colleges make these forms available during summer even before their apps are available… same goes for the essay topics…
Try to finish at least one SAT Reasoning test and a couple or triple of SAT subject tests before November of your senior year to have more scope of applying early action (deadline for EA/ED usually falls from end of October to mid-November)
Applications - you can start practicing with the current ones since only a few changes may be made for the next year’s. However the Common App will bring down the current one in July and open up a new version of Common App this summer so that you can start early…
School forms and transcript - it will be very helpful if your school adopts the electronic version of common app so that you can send your transcript online… ask your counselor for the transcript as well as the reco…</p>
<p>Plus keep busy during summer with your activities and continue to search for various opportunities… Never limit yourself … Always be open-minded and try to enjoy this process … after all, this is what you’ve been waiting for for the last 12 years…</p>
<p>specific school’s essays, like penn’s…usually change every year, except i know from years past, atleast for penn, they have asked you to write a couple essays, one usually about a penn professor and one to write an essay that would appear on like page 200 of your autobiography once your old</p>