<p>Hey ~</p>
<p>When can we use that theory again???</p>
<p>in Mid-march or only april???</p>
<p>Hey ~</p>
<p>When can we use that theory again???</p>
<p>in Mid-march or only april???</p>
<p>Berkeley housing "theory"?</p>
<p>I think you might be searching for another word, here. (;</p>
<p>I mean ,
some people checked their admssion earlier than original posted date last year in this site.. by Berkeley's housing system</p>
<p>I recall it being figured out in April, but I have no idea when the information for its use becomes available.</p>
<p>i dont get it...</p>
<p>Last year, there was some alphanumeric information related to the Berkeley Housing Application in the form [letter][number]. I don't remember what exactly it was, and don't care enough to look back into olds threads.
There was speculation that people who had a certain code were accepted, and if I recall correctly, it turned out to be accurate. Look back to the threads around April/May last year.</p>
<p>why would they look at their housing codes in April/May? Won't acceptance/rejection letter be sent out already?</p>
<p>They figured it out mid April, apparently, but there may be posts regarding it as late as May. Berkeley notifies April 30th, so mid April would be a boon.</p>
<p>It was mid April, but that was only because we figured it out late in the month. Since they start reviewing transfer apps the mid of this month, I would start giving a try in mid march and just keep checking to see if your status changing on the housing site. Mine did mid March but I didn't want to get my hopes up until I actually rcvd the official acceptance. But yes..the housing theory is true!
-For those of you who do not know what the housing theory was:
When you log into the housing application site it will say that your id is not recognized. But then around mid April for some of us it started saying that our id has not been activated yet. We had a theory that for those of us who's status had changed from "not recognized" to "not activated" that we had been accepted to Cal. So when the official word came out, the theory for the most part ended up being true.</p>
<p>To luvtoolearn</p>
<p>Nice~ :D</p>
<p>That's pretty funny.</p>
<p>Honestly I do not want to know about that it is freaking me out.</p>
<p>Yea I'm definitely going to try to avoid checking it.</p>
<p>It was in late april.</p>
<p>The formula went something like...you put your id in the housing webpage. And, at the time, most people couldnt see a housing application, unless you had previously applied Therefore, you were group A (could not see it) or group B (could see it). The number the student ID started with 18-19 dictated the time you turned your application in. If you were 15-17, you had applied back in 05. When 18-19 IDs started to see it, after they couldnt see it, meant that they were in. If 15-17 (b) did not change in terms of address, telephone number, or anything, you were rejected. And if at the time group A 18-19 could see it, and you were in the same ID number but COULD NOT see it, that means you were rejected. It turned out to be accurate.</p>
<p>Wow. Thanks for the explanation. Something like that must have taken awhile to figure out.. what a clever/cunning person/group.</p>
<p>Interesting, did this work for married applicants? I wonder if we get put in the housing system like everyone else, under the assumption that we wont apply unless we need to.</p>
<p>yes, it definitely worked even for married students, even if you were not applying for student housing. I am a married student and I only checked because I wanted to see if the theory was true even though I had no intention on staying in any of the dorms. It worked for me so you can definately try it out this year. </p>
<p>On a side note, are you a married student? Are you planning on living at the University Village? Its student housing apartments for married students or students w/ families. If so I definitely would sign up on the waiting list asap.</p>
<p>I've got it printed out, but we've been neglecting to send it in as we've been looking at other options. It makes a good backup, though, so I'll send it in ASAP.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. Sending you a PM too. (;</p>
<p>luvtoolearn, how are you liking ucb?</p>
<p>Absolutely love it...no regrets chosing Cal ... I'm not going to lie..it really kicked my but the first semester, I was really overwhelmed, but this semester is fantastic, great professors, fun classes, crazy campus...you name it</p>