When can I transfer In?

<p>So I didn't even apply to UMiami thinking I wouldn't get in (4.0 GPA, not many ECs..) and I might want to go there in the future depending on how soon I can transfer in. I should have 9 or 12 credits already done when I finish high school, and I will have more than 30 credits done when I finish the Fall semester later this year. Could I apply to UM to start in the Spring if I barely have any classes actually finished at the time I apply? I'll be taking 15 or 18 credits during the Fall at FAU,UCF, or FSU. Do I need 30 credits to transfer or can I apply to transfer with less?</p>

<p>Also, how difficult is it to get into UM by transferring if I plan on paying mostly all of my admission money? Their transfer acceptance class has low GPA, but not many students are accepted. Is this because of money or something else? Do you have to specify a major with that few credits?</p>

<p>I know I'm forgetting some questions, so if anyone could provide any useful information I am forgetting it would be appreciated.</p>

<p>shameless bump.</p>