When can you request a schedule change?

<p>Does anyone know when and where students can request a schedule change?
My child has 4 classes on MWF which would not be a problem but 3 are back to back and the halls are far from each other. Two of the classes she would not be happy being late to every day. We were looking at classes that are offered and saw two that if she could switch would make her day less stressful. Thank you for your help or suggestion.</p>

<p>If there are seats available, just go into your mybama, and on the main page, look for a link (center, top?) that says add/drop classes. You simply select the action (in this case drop) for the session you don’t want, and down at the bottom, enter in the new CRN for the section you do want. MAKE SURE THERE ARE SEATS AVAILABLE before doing this! Once you drop a class, someone else might snag it, if you can’t get into the other section. Does that make sense? If you’re having difficulties, also contact the advisor in the student’s college. Good luck.</p>