When confirming roommate requests, do all roommates appear?

<p>Ds and another boy had confirmed each other. They asked 2 others who confirmed each other if they wanted to room together and they accepted. But when ds looks at the confirmed page he only sees himself and the one that confirmed from the other 2. Is that normal or should he be able to see all 3 of the others?</p>

<p>My DS (with your DS) can see 2 confirmed and 1 open invite. I think they all need to see 3 confirmed before the “4” is complete - but I’m new to this, so what do I know :0)</p>

<p>DS can see all 3 of his confirmed roommates. Maybe one of yours hasn’t logged on yet to confirm or maybe updates to the site aren’t automatic?</p>

<p>When ds tried to request confirming VAmomof4’s already confirmed roommate it denied the request as his suite already being full. So he wasn’t sure what to do.</p>

<p>Well, never mind. He just rechecked and now all 3 are appearing. I wonder if there is a delay in updating all the info? I wonder if now your ds can see all 3 as well? I think FamilyofFivr is probably correct.</p>

<p>Mom2, all 4 boys show up in the suite. I am excited, I think this will be a nice group.</p>

<p>We have 3 confirmed too. Let the games begin tomorrow! The power of CC has overcome teenage boy inertia (which mildly concerns my DS…)</p>