When do ED'ers get the package?

<p>To those of you that were accepted ED when do we get all of the information? I was hoping that we would get it earlier (like this week, end of march) then the RD people that get accepted. I don't know, I feel like we get shafted by having to wait almost 4 months to get any information, whereas RD'ers get everything right away.</p>

<p>So does anyone know when we will get the package and information, or has anyone gotten it yet?</p>


<p>Nothing in NJ yet</p>

<p>As I've heard it, we get our "packet" the same time the RD'ers do. That being said, we should recieve them a week or two after RD decisions come out. I too was hoping to get it earlier, but that doesn't seem to be the case.</p>

<p>But, we
1. didn't have to work as hard 2nd quarter
2. didn't have to stress for those 4 months
3. couldn't really do anything with the "case for cornell" as its called anyway, as you cant submit housing stuff until april 1.</p>

<p>this has information on when everything will arrive
<a href="http://newstudentprograms.cornell.edu/orientation/before.html#mail%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://newstudentprograms.cornell.edu/orientation/before.html#mail&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>