When do frats recruit?

<p>Is there any hispanic frats? what time and where do they recruit?</p>

<p>I'm a new student to UF and i'm feeling extremely depressed because I have no friends. I'm from South florida where I had atleast 50+ friends. So I need to join some sort of a frat to socialize because It's pretty heavy not having no one to talk to...</p>

Thank you,</p>

<p>Me too, and I feel like we’re going to be at a big disadvantage not knowing anyone. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like most people that are going to the different events during rush won’t be going alone. If I end up going, I feel like it’s going to be a very awkward situation for me not knowing anyone and being around people that all know someone. I also feel like I will be “looked down upon” for being by myself by the people rushing and the frat brothers.</p>

<p>I heard spring rush was this monday?</p>


<p>Come out to UF rugby. You don’t have to know how to play most people on the team didn’t at first. You prove yourself by coming out to practice instead of wearing the right color polo or right gel in your hair. It’s fun.</p>

<p>Being in a frat could be okay depending on which one but frat rush is one of the gayest experiences you’ll ever have. I’m not using the adjective incorrectly, you try look your best and say the right things hoping to pick up dudes or get picked up by dudes. You do get some free food, though. </p>

<p>If you actually are gay I would not suggest a fraternity as the main benefit (having a better chance of banging sorority chicks if you’re kinda shy or bad with women)does not apply to you</p>