When Do Freshmen Register For Classes?


<p>My son will be a freshman at UM Fall 2007. When will he choose classes? </p>

<p>When will he meet an adviser to help him select and see what is neded? </p>

<p>When will he be notified of AP classes accepted? </p>

<p>Honor's students get to register before other students and will take some honors classes. Anyone have prior knowledge of this and how it is done?</p>


<p>A packet that contains all the information on selecting courses will come in the mail after you put your deposit down. It will have a required return date on it. </p>

<p>This submission is only preliminary so courses can be adjusted for AP credit and what-not when students meet with advisors at orientation (Aug 17-21, classes start Aug 22). </p>

<p>AP Credit: <a href="http://www6.miami.edu/admission/ap/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www6.miami.edu/admission/ap/&lt;/a>
This is also discussed in the mail registration packet.</p>

<p>I'll be an honors student as well... and I'm not sure how the whole process works. Perhaps someone else can answer this. I know for the college of Arts and Sciences, the mail registration form has a place for them to put an "Honors" sticker before they send it to you. I'm assuming that they pull these out for priority once its returned, but this is just a guess. Anyone else who knows more about it... feel free to correct/elaborate.</p>

<p>You receive a packet with course descriptions and you select your classes (first second and third choice) based on the requirements they provide.
The advisor mtg at orientation is quite hectic, so do your best to fill in your own schedule following ALL the rules they provide...it will make your life easier come fall. As an honors student, you do get priority in class registration, and make sure you do select at least one honors class for the fall.</p>

<p>Also, first semester freshmen do not pick specific course sections (days and times), just the courses. Students will receive their schedules, based on their mail-in choices, during orientation and then meet with their advisor.</p>

<p>just wanted to add that if your son/daughter is unhappy with the classes he or she is assigned.... then they can always drop/add during the first week of classes!</p>

<p>How will they know what to take? My son has exemption from general required courses, so he can pick core classes and any others he wants. How will he know which Honor's to sign up for?</p>

<p>With the mail registration stuff for the College of Arts and Sciences, there is a 28 page document that helps students figure out what courses to take and it talks about exemptions and what not. Also, there are places where you fill in what AP and dual-enrollment courses you are taking so that the U can anticipate credit that you might receive and adjust your schedule in the fall.</p>

<p>Honors courses, can be decided by the student in the mail registration packet. For the College of Arts and Sciences, the included course list puts asterisks next to each available honors course. If you're an honors student, you should have 1 honors course to start on track for the program.</p>

<p>when are we supposed to get this packet in the mail? I got a packet about course registration, but it didnt have any packet with it...</p>



<p>??? I think you have it.;)</p>

<p>Depending on which school you are enrolled in (A&S, Bus, etc.) you will receive different registration materials. Know that every mail-in registration is gone over by an advisor prior to making up the schedule, so if you make a mistake it will be caught. Each freshmen will meet with their advisor during orientation to go over their schedule and make any necessary changes. If anyone is really stuck there are contacts listed here and I'm sure they would answer any questions.
<a href="http://www6.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/0,1770,6583-1;18141-2;13810-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www6.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/0,1770,6583-1;18141-2;13810-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Students continue to need their advisor's schedule approval prior to registering until they have something like 75 completed credits. They really try to make sure the kids are taking the classes they need to get out in 4 years.:)</p>