when do i have send in the ISFAA?

<p>i'm confused as to when i'm supposed to send the International Student Financial Aid Application.. do i send it with the commonapp? or after? or when i've heard from my college? what exactly is the procedure? could someone help me out please? it'd be much appreciated. thanks.</p>

<p>check the website for each college you are applying to. They could have different dates and rules, etc</p>

<p><a href=“Financial Aid Services”>Financial Aid Services;

<p>for example, I just randomly pulled the information from Duke
[Duke</a> Financial Aid | Need-Based Aid | How to Apply for Need-Based Aid | Regular Decision Applicants](<a href=“http://dukefinancialaid.duke.edu/needaid_application_international.html]Duke”>Homepage | Karsh Office of Undergraduate Financial Support)</p>

<p>I think the rule of thumb is that this needs to be part of your application package when you apply</p>

<p>okay, thanks. </p>

<p>is there any way to send it online? i’m from pakistan, and we send apps half online, half offline. shouold i send the isfaa offline, then? except that that’s expensive and i wanna know if there’s a way to send it online. does anyone know?</p>


<p>I just don’t think I should make another thread for the same thing.</p>

<p>Is it possible to not list colleges you are applying to? What if I just leave the space blank? After all, if I remember correctly,there are like 6-7 spaces. However, I am applying to more than 6 schools, so even If I actually wanted to list them all, they just wouldn’t fit in.</p>