When do internls starts to apply for US Unis?

It just occured to me that I don't actually know when international student have to send their applications for American Universities. When do we have to do that? I realise that each Uni probably has a different deadline, but when is it approximately? Also, I am taking my SATs this Fall, will the results reach them on time for a 2008 entry?</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Usually, its the same as everyone else's.. 1st Jan or 15th Jan or something along those lines. SOME colleges want intel applications in by something like 1st Dec or 15th Dec..</p>

<p>Most schools should accept November scores, all accept October scores and some even accept January scores for RD. For ED/EA October is usually the last test date they accept.</p>

<p>Best timeline would be to sit for SAT I in October, SAT II in November and keeping December open for a possible retake of SAT I if required (I didn't do that and result was BAD). Remember only some (and usually the good ones) accept January scores so January should be kept only for a possible 3rd sitting (most take in only twice I think at max). A few of the good schools have a December 15th deadline (like Stanford) and U of California deadlines are all Nov 30th I think. For U of California you have to complete your SATs preferably by November so to be on the safe side go for the Oct and Nov plan.</p>