When do professors post current Itunes Univ. podcasts?

<p>I found out my class last semester had them but I found out very late. It was extremely helpful though to listen to it in my bed ; ] so how do I get the current semester's podcasts? Both my classes don't have current classes.</p>

<p>usually they were up the next day for bio 1a (that was the only class i ever used with itunes u)</p>

<p>theres some plugin ive heard you can get to fastforward 2X but i cant recall its name. (as opposed to the webcasts where you have to just click to where you want to fastforward and then wait for it to load)</p>

<p>Thank you. I don’t know why they aren’t up for my classes. It’s online but not on Itunes. They have the ones from 2009 and 2010 for both classes.</p>