<p>I'm wanting to know when REUs notify students and do they notify students either way?
<p>Wondering the same thing </p>
<p>Sent from my Nexus One using CC</p>
<p>Only have experience when it comes to Biological Sciences REUs, so here go my 2 cents. Based on my experience last year and this one they tend to notify students as early the 1st week of February and as late as the last weeks of March.</p>
<p>Thanks Orimsz,
And do the REUS notify students they don’t accept?</p>
<p>Just got a rejection email from Vanderbilt University today. So dissapointed. :(</p>
<p>@milkweed </p>
<p>They do notify you if you get rejected.</p>
<p>Last year, son applied to some REUs. None of them notified him of rejections. Very disappointing, as by late March, when he didn’t hear anything, he contacted them, only to learn he had not been accepted. Even the one where he did get a phone interview didn’t bother contacting him that he wasn’t accepted. As he waited to apply to internships until he heard from REUs, he got a late start on applying for internships and found most positions had already been filled. I would definitely not wait for contact from the REUs to find other options, and if you haven’t heard from them by now, you should send a follow up email to see if you’d been selected or not.</p>
<p>I’m going to ask my son to call the reus and find out if decisions have been made. I don’t understand why programs wouldn’t send out email rejections when there is no cost to doing this.</p>
<p>I received an email notification from the Purdue Biochemistry REU last week and have not heard from the two other REUs I applied to as of yet.</p>
<p>This proces is so frustrating.</p>
<p>My son applied to 5 REUs. One stated they would announce decisions on March 15th and he has heard nothing. He emailed them today asking for a status. The others all said March 31st or April 1st. One also said they would email everyone when their app was complete, again nothing, even after emailing the contact person asking if his app was complete - silence.</p>
<p>These students have to jump through hoops to get these done, 2 recommendation letters, lots of essays, all in the middle of finals and there is silence on the other end.</p>
<p>He went ahead and applied for a bunch of company internships as well, so hopefully something will pan out. He has trouble every summer and is at the top of his class with years of high level research experience. Very frustrating and stressful every single year.</p>
<p>He’s giving it to April 1st and if he hears nothing by then, will assume he was not accepted and will continue to work on other options.</p>
<p>Good luck everyone and I feel your pain!</p>
<p>So this is what we know so far:
1 program was cancelled because of the sequester.
3 programs are still deciding.
1 program said there were many more applicants this year than in previous years (600 for 10 spots I think)</p>
<p>MIT BE lost funding
MIT EBICS notified today. Son was told he was in top 10% but not selected.<br>
Waiting for Wake Forest, Syracuse, Duke, UPenn IRM</p>
<p>Another one lost funding - UPenn IRM is off the list.</p>
<p>Finally heard from Syracuse and son is wait listed. Final decision April 10th.</p>
<p>Still nothing from Wake Forest WFIRM or Duke.</p>
<p>I applied to 14 REU and SURF programs and have heard back from 5. I received 4 rejections and 1 acceptance. I haven’t heard from 9 programs nor do I expect to. Each program makes their own decision as to whether they contact rejected applicants. If you haven’t hear by now, it is safe to assume that you have been rejected.</p>
<p>I am really excited to be working in a neuroscience lab at Harvard this summer! According to the e-mail letter I received yesterday, Harvard is choosing to offer funding to between 50 and 70 folks for multiple programs across the university from an applicant pool of over 1200.</p>
<p>Son applied to 6. Final tally:</p>
<p>Heard back on all
2 lost funding
3 rejected
1 wait listed and just accepted</p>
<p>It only takes one! Syracuse interactive Biomaterials Institute here we go!</p>
<p>Congrats Hockeykid!</p>
<p>My son applied to 17. Heard from 9. 3 acceptances and the rest were nice enough to send a rejection email. The last rejection was March 15th.</p>
<p>Wow, I can’t believe you guys appiled to so many! I thought 6 was a lot. Those applications were a lot of work and getting the Rec letters during finals was not fun! </p>
<p>My son felt lucky to get one as we have heard that many top students do not end up getting anything…</p>
<p>We heard from three after April 1st and from Syracuse just yesterday, so there may be a few more acceptances coming for waitlisted students.</p>
<p>I am very surprised at how many do not respond at all - that is frustrating. Fortunately we heard from everyone.</p>
<p>Good luck everyone and enjoy your summer!</p>
<p>That must have been an incredible amount of work - he clearly really wanted it enough to put in a huge effort.</p>