When do UC actually "start" to look at applications?

I’m a little bit curious on when the UCs will start to look and review your application? It’s “almost” February and decisions comes out in March. UCs like UCLA and UCSD are highly applied to right now, and with the amount of essays they gotta read is extensive, so are they looking at them right now? UCR’s decision comes out in March 1 (and rolling)… so i dont know.

The application period opened on November 1 when the UCs would have received thousands of applications (at a UCSD info session last year, the AO said they received 12,000 on the first day.) UCLA received more than 113,000 applications in the Nov. 1-30 period, a record for any college, ever. With four personal insight questions per application, that’s more than 452,000 essays to read. And you think they may just be getting started looking at them NOW? What do you think they’ve been doing for the past two to three months?