When do we find out?!

<p>Ok so I know we hear by April 1, but the website has an obscure comment that they start sending out admission decisions around mid-Feb. Other people have said VT sends out decisions in several waves starting late Feb and ending by late March.
Anyone have any more information on this?
Or anyone who has been admitted in the past able to explain when you found out?

<p>I found out about my decision on March 20th, 2009 when I applied during my senior year. That seemed to be the big release date of that year.</p>

<p>January Hokie News was pretty clear. Honors eligible admits will be mailed 2/18. In an email updating applicants (dtd 1/28) it was also noted “The majority of applicants will be informed in one mailing that will be sent March 18.”.</p>

<p>[January</a> Hokie News | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/news/20110119/admission_notification.php]January”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/news/20110119/admission_notification.php)</p>

<p>At this point there is no indication of the graduated notification release that was seen last year. I guess we will know in early March.</p>

<p>Just to throw more confusion into the mix - last year, VT sent out an intermediate wave of acceptances towards the end of February. The first wave went out earlier in February for the Honors-eligible candidates, but they did also send out a bunch of acceptances during the last week of February. D2, who was not honors eligible, received her acceptance e-mail on Feb 24th.</p>

<p>To add further confusion, my status updated on the 5th of this month to “Offered Admission”. I still haven’t gotten an official letter or email, but at least I know that I made it!</p>

<p>Where did it say offered admission?</p>

<p>This is the message I have in the decision box:</p>

<p>Offered Admission</p>

You may accept our offer of admission by paying the $400 matriculation deposit either online by eCheck or by printing, completing, and mailing a response form with your check or money order as directed below.</p>

<p>Click the following link to learn about eCheck payments.
(PDF opens in new window)
<a href=“http://www.bursar.vt.edu/dt/echeck_docs.pdf[/url]”>http://www.bursar.vt.edu/dt/echeck_docs.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you wish to accept our offer of admission and pay your $400 matriculation deposit online by eCheck, please answer the following:</p>

<p>Do you wish to Accept and pay online by eCheck?
NOTE: Clicking the button above will send you to Virginia Tech’s partner site for eCheck payment processing.</p>

<p>Okay, I have to ask…
Where the heck are you seeing a ‘decision box’ where your ‘status changed’ ?</p>

<p>I’m looking at applicant information (past the main page), with name, address, scores, etc. I don’t see a status of any kind or a decision box. I have to say, I’ve been pretty laid back until now. I’m wondering if we’re missing something?</p>

<p>The decision box appears after the decision is made.</p>

<p>Looking at the screenshot I took from when I got accepted last year (lame, I know haha) its part of the “Application Data” part of the page, under Admission Term & Admission Type.</p>

<p>financiallylost has it right. The box appears only after VT has made a decision. But there is no need to worry guys! As far as I’ve read, decisions come in batches near the end of this month and near the April 1st deadline. Also, as said in a previous thread of mine, I may have gotten my decision earlier because I am considered as an international student and maybe because I applied near the beginning of December. Could be a factor but like I said, don’t worry, you’ll make it!!</p>

<p>Thanks. No big deal, I just didn’t see a decision box. VTs had ‘technical’ glitches since day one with this process so I was just checking (I know pretty funny for a tech school). At least they were up front and said it was on their end. The decision should be posted 2/18. I just wanted to make sure I was looking in the right place. </p>

<p>Just for disclosure, I’m the parent. I didn’t want anyone thinking I was posing as my student here (one of my pet peeves on CC…students or parents that misrepresent themselves).</p>

<p>Congratulations again l3thalbloo! Nice to have that admit and be on the ‘other side’! :)</p>


<p>Thanks blueiguana!! Hopefully your son/daughter makes it as well! Good luck, and it feels great to be on the ‘other side’!</p>

<p>thanks everyone, this has helped a lot! now its just a matter of waiting…</p>

<p>Where did you hear the 2/18 date, out of curiosity?</p>

<p>I’m an anxious applicant like everyone else.</p>

<p>In post #3 I posted a link to January Hokie News (on the VT website) that gave the date of 2/18 for Honors eligible. More specifically:


<p>[January</a> Hokie News | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/news/20110119/admission_notification.php]January”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/news/20110119/admission_notification.php)</p>

<p>In an email my student received updating applicants (dtd 1/28) it also stated:


<p>One thing to note, my student applied in early November RD. If you applied RD near the application deadline and you didn’t get the same email I wouldn’t worry about it. They must have had thousands of documents to process, and your information was probably just not in the system yet.</p>

<p>This is going to sound stupid, but where do I go to login, to see my admission decision, etc?</p>

<p>Not stupid at all! Every school has different systems! Below is a link to the VT Access Information Gateway.</p>

<p><a href=“Login | Virginia Tech”>Login | Virginia Tech;

<p>More information about logging in:</p>

<p>[Applying</a> as a Freshman | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/freshman/]Applying”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/freshman/)</p>

<p>About half-way down look for ‘What to expect’.</p>

<p>For the February 18th mailing when it said “…and/or whose applications were evaluated by the Admissions Committee prior to this date” </p>

<p>Does that mean people who applied early decision and got deferred?</p>

<p>No idea, it could or it could just mean the regular apps that they’ve already made decisions for. Or they could just be saying it to make us even more anxious… haha</p>

<p>so today they are letting everyone know if they were accepted if they are honors eligible? Is it only by mail which means we will have to wait until next week or do they send emails or update it on the login or something today</p>