When do we hear for RD?

<p>I was deferred from Early Decision and I am now waiting to hear from the Regular Decision group. Does anyone know if they release a mass acceptance group and if so when? Or if they let people know once they have decided. Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>As early as early march, but no later than April 15th. I think most people end up hearing around late march to early april.</p>

<p>apparently last years thread shows that ppl started hearing in early march (March 03) but the decisions are in batches and it will be on your myUM. latest date acc to their website is April 15 so it could come out anywhere from 2-3 days to 1.5 months</p>

<p>I believe you hear by April 15th.</p>

<p>Yeah I have the same situation as you I was deferred from early decision as well and I have no idea when I will hear back. Any news?</p>

<p>i think some ppl are gonna hear on friday.</p>

<p>Hopefully… I just dont know whether the deferred students are in another pile than the regular decision.</p>

<p>They should be in the same pile. I was also deferred and the letter said our applications are being reviewed with regular decision applications but they do take note of those that came ED/EA deferrals</p>

<p>My deferral letter just went away and it’s back to the documents received page on My UM. Hope we hear soon.</p>

<p>Thats probably good news as in you are hearing back. Mine hasnt gone away</p>

<p>ok so i got an email saying:

not sure if this means anything or if everyone gets it. plz help. also does this mean that myUM wont have the decisions? (im intl btw)</p>

<p>I was deferred too! What were ur guys’ stats? </p>

<p>I had a 3.7, ranked 31/118, 1320 SAT (cr+m), good recs and ecs.</p>

<p>I was pretty surprised I didn’t get in to be honest. Just hoping I get in RD!</p>

<p>For other students who were deferred, what were your stats?</p>

<p>By courier? That is a really weird e-mail. And they said next month or SO? So, theoretically, could be May? Did you just get that today, JRswish? Were you deferred from ED or just regular decision? My daughter applied RD, and we haven’t heard anything unless it’s up there right now. There’s nothing in her e-mail. UM is her very last school (except for a couple she’s already decided against because she got into places she liked better), so needless to say, she’s eager to hear.</p>

<p>Jakey, did you just get that today? Just checked my daughter’s MyUM, and there is nothing.</p>

<p>yes i received the email today. around 2pm. maybe its the acceptance package / rejection letter? wont be may i think because we need to enroll by May 1. RD applicant. International.</p>

<p>Yeah, that is why I thought “month or so” sounded weird. Anyway, they didn’t send it to everyone, but I don’t know what that means. I know of at least one college that tells you a decision has been reached (but not what it is) if it’s a rejection. However, this doesn’t sound like they’ve reached a decision . . . unless you’re so far away they think it will take a month to get to you.</p>

<p>maybe they got my address wrong and are delivering it to the moon. or maybe they are gonna send it by boat.
btw which college tells you a decision has been reached (but not what it is) if it’s a rejection</p>

<p>I think “within the next month or so” just means you can expect to probably hear in the next 30 days, so by early April, mid april at the latest. </p>

<p>I think ED and EA deferrals hear at the same time that the RD applicants hear, and I think you will still be able to see the decision through MYum.</p>

<p>ProudParent, I got my EA decision about a month ago so now I’m just waiting for the RD decision since I was deferred.</p>

<p>yes but why courier it?? unless i got accepted. i see no point in snail mailing a rejection. an acceptance could have my i20 form. </p>

<p>ps - i realize im being overly optimistic</p>

<p>I haven’t gotten an email and I dont know if that is bad or not…
I was deferred and I have a 4.23 gpa, 25 ACT, but I am also a legacy and have been speaking with 3 different reps in the school. Keeping fingers crossed!</p>


<p>I think it is just policy to snail mail all RD decisions, be it acceptances, waitlists, or rejections.
My friend has been snail mailed a rejection.</p>