<p>With the many book threads popping up around CC, I see many busy students (and parents) read read read! I love reading, but I feel so exhausted after school and work that I just don't have the time. I read a book for leisure during lunch but with a 20 minute lunch, I'm lucky to get through 20-30 pages at a time. I'm an average reader or maybe even a slow reader.</p>
<p>When do you students with APs, ECs, etc. like me find the time to read? Any creative techniques? Advice? Tips?</p>
<p>Well, now that I’ve got my seat at my dream university (got in ED), I’ve got much more time to read. But before that, I’d pick up a book late at night (my bed is surrounded by them) or when I was slacking off at home/in the library.</p>
<p>I say “screw it” and read whenever I feel like it, whether I have schoolwork to do or not. I, personally, think it’s totally badass. Or stupid. :)</p>
<p>i also got into my dream school ED… now i read all the time again. i could care less about school at this point (well, not true… gotta keep my grades up sorta…)</p>
<p>and actually, i’m finally reading good books for school in ap lit… i’m also head of our battle of the books team, so there are 12 pretty good books that i HAVE to read all of… and i read anything else that’s laying around the house…</p>
<p>I try to read at least like 5-10 pgs before going to bed. Doesnt sound like alot but it’s alot better than not reading anything all. ALso, I bring it to school with me (usually not a big book) so when I get done early with a test and we have to be quiet…or if there’s a substitute and we get a free period but he/she wont let us talk…I’ll read another 10 pages or so. </p>
<p>I eventually get done =]
At this rate, I usually finish a book in 2-3 weeks depending on my schedule and the length of the book. But that’s not bad at all because there are other books I have to read for English…so by the end of the year, I’ve read a reasonable amount of books!</p>
<p>I don’t have a social life so I read during school between classes. When I’m not busy doing homework in breaks I can finish a book like this in 3 school days. (sadly it’s hard to do it this year)</p>