When do you sign up for classes?

<p>Hey guys, </p>

<p>Title says it all. What time period do people sign up for classes? Do they email your own email or your UCSD email to tell you to sign up for classes? Do you sign up during Orientation? I'm sort of panicking right now. =P</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone who helps!</p>

<p>Continuing students have already signed up. New students sign up late August / early September. You can view your enrollment times at [Current</a> Students](<a href=“http://students.ucsd.edu/]Current”>http://students.ucsd.edu/) once they’re out (not anytime soon) and [Enrolling</a> in Classes](<a href=“http://students.ucsd.edu/academics/enroll/index.html]Enrolling”>Enrolling in Classes) has a huge FAQ on enrollment. You don’t enroll during orientation. You’re assigned a random lotto time.</p>

<p>I think they send an email to your UCSD email when enrollment times are released, but I don’t quite remember. I just check that first site (students.ucsd.edu) once it gets closer to enrollment and they update the announcements with enrollment times and registration deadlines. I hope this part is the same for new students - it’s been a while since my freshman days so forgive me if I’m wrong xD</p>