When does it end?!

<p>I keep trying to do my college classes without any disability accommodation's, and I keep failing. So now I am planning to back to RISD but I have to get a tutor. Why am I even going there if I can't do the classes? How will I ever get a job? I'm stuck.</p>

<p>Yes I am aware that I will never be "cured" of PDD but I want to be one of those people who can accomplish things without getting a reduced workload or some crap like that. I can't have a "therapeutic tutor" telling me what to do for the rest of my life.</p>

<p>Maybe I am being a bit paranoid, people tell me I shouldn’t worry about getting a job and I need to stay in the present. But… ever notice how this forum is under the pre-college issues section? This isn’t a pre-college issue. LDs are forever. Can anyone tell me where I can find some information about thet transition from a special needs student to a person with a regular career? Any books or anything? Every sped I knew from high school went to a special needs college and picked a career that doesn’t take much effort to get established in. I don’t really want to do that.</p>

<p>You need to do research on your disability, and on the kinds of accommodations that you will need to have in order to perform well in the workplace. They may be relatively simple fixes, or they might be really hard to arrange. Start with thinking about your everyday life outside of school. How do you manage the details of your life, compared to the non-disabled folks that you know? What do you have to do that is a little bit different? Is there anything that you have to do that is a LOT different?</p>

<p>That kind of self-evaluation might give you some good leads.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best!</p>

<p>Linzoy, as someone on the autism spectrum , it is a very good idea to start thinking about and preparing for your future career; most individuals on the spectrum are unemployed or underemployed and often it is because they either lack the social or organizational skills that would help them succeed in the workplace or they are unable to find a job or career that best fits their interests AND learning style/thought processes. I do agree that a big part of succeeding in the workplace when you are an individual on the autism spectrum is first understanding your own unique disabilities or differences. </p>

<p>Here are a few resources for individuals on the autism spectrum that I am familiar with. Each of these books can help individuals identify their own differences, which is the first step in identifying and finding careers they are suited to, but just as important they help individuals develop strategies to overcome those differences in the workplace. </p>

<p>“Employment for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome or Non-Verbal Learning Disability - Stories and Strategies” by Yvona Fast. I really like this book, half of the book includes short essays and interviews by different individuals on the AS and NLD spectrum about their struggles in finding careers (not just jobs) that match their unique challenges and work styles. The other half includes advice and tips about such things as career selection, transitioning from school to the workplace, job hunting, interviewing, dealing with specific spectrum issues in the workplace, and disclosing to employers.</p>

<p>Another book you might look at is Temple Grandin’s book, called “Developing Talents - Careers for Individuals With Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism.” It also includes advice and tips on developing skills needed in the workplace as well as finding jobs that suit you. One of the things I especially like about all of Grandin’s books, in particular, besides her very concrete, practical, no-nonsense writing style, is how she emphasizes the differences in the thought processes and learning styles of different individuals on the spectrum and how you need to take this into consideration when trying to find a career and not just focus on your interests; eg, some individuals are visual thinkers, some have music/math brains, some are non-visual thinkers with verbal brains. Each type of individual may have similar interests but each would be suited for different types of jobs because of how their brains process information. </p>

<p>A third book to look at is by Dr. Jed Baker, called “Preparing for Life - the Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood for those with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.” This book is more like a workbook and includes lots of lessons, checklists, etc that focus more on practicing and developing social skills and life skills in adults; it does include a section on employment issues.</p>

<p>Besides looking at resources like this, you might also consider other career planning resources at your school, career counselors, or even autism job coaches, who can help you identify your interests, aptitudes and learning/working styles and help identify careers and jobs within your interests that you might be best suited for.</p>

<p>It will be a lifelong struggle, but the more you do to prepare and understand yourself in advance, the greater will be your chances of succeeding and overcoming the specific challenges you will encounter. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>There’s nothing I hate more than having to ask for help. But sometimes I gotta bite the bullet, because as much as I want to be “normal” like the rest of the students, I know it won’t ever happen. And I think you’re looking at the same issue.</p>

<p>I guess you have to decide whatcha need. Of course do research and find out if it’s something you can tackle yourself. But there is a chance you may not have much choice.