When does the application opens for Freshman?

<p>Hi,I'm an international student from Malaysia.I can't seem to find the application date opening for freshman but the deadlines only.</p>

<p>Can someone tell me when does it opens?Or is there no opening date?</p>

<p>Usually early Sept if not 9/1</p>

<p>Spring Term =October 1 deadline=End of December</p>

<p>Same for this too?</p>

<p>There is an early decsion app deadline and regular decision for the next Fall. They are </p>

<p>The following deadlines are in effect for the 2013-2014 school year,
and pertain to both domestic and international applicants. </p>

Deadline Decision
First Fall Notification November 1 End of January
Second Fall Notification February 1 End of March
Spring Term October 1 End of December </p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Applicants: Deadlines - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/deadlines.php]Freshman”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/deadlines.php)</p>

<p>is the Spring term application date opened?</p>

<p>I think they use the Fall app. Just email them. They’ll answer. Not so busy now.</p>

<p>There is NO early decision at UW. There is an early notification if the application is received by a set date, this could mean a decision has been postponed. </p>

<p>As above- ask your questions directly by sending an email to admissions for the most accurate information.</p>