When does the common app. have to be in by?

<p>For Cornell, does the application have to be in by tomorrow? Should I send the app. tomorrow or today? Tomorrow is the deadline and I'm applying online.</p>

<p>Mail doesn't get picked up on Sundays and it won't be picked up at 7PM tonight, so it doesn't matter.</p>

<p>Assuming the rd deadline is 1/1... I think it's 11:59pm tomorrow.</p>

<p>Spanks, I'm applying online.</p>

<p>oooh, well, then...idk, send it as soon as possible?</p>

<p>I agree with School. I figure as long as it's in tomorrow you haven't really missed the deadline.</p>

<p>i'm sending it tomorrow, got to finish those common app supplement essays</p>

<p>me too!!!! ive gotta do one more!!! then another thats due the 15th, but ive got two weeks for that one...</p>

<p>i'm in the same boat..gotta finalize my common app essay and start the 2nd supplement essay.</p>

<p>its due on the 7th!</p>