When does University of Miami send acceptance letters (or emails) for early decision 2015?

@kittymom1102 yeah I wasn’t sure if I was the only one ? I didn’t get my hopes up too much but I really hope it’s a sign! I’m so anxious I really wanna know my decision

@Hero45 I don’t think being able to search for classes means much. I was able to search for classes on my Ohio State portal, unfortunately I was waitlisted

@bobachop yeah I made sure not to get my hopes up… like before December when I clicked on Financial Aid and Classes it wouldn’t let me view anything and it said that I didn’t have any access to those features, but then all of a sudden it did. Still not getting my hopes though knowing my luck.

one of my friends has heard his decision anybody else…?

@Hero45 How did he receive his desicison?

Someone heard today?

When is ED supposed to find out??

Does anyone know what day we find out for ED??

How did he find out?

sorry just got more information… a scout came to his school for another student… and the scout was given information by the school to tell the student that he was accepted and will be notified shortly

Do you know any of his stats?

does anyone know when we are going to hear back?

Does anyone know when we are going to hear back?

It can honestly be any day… Like the website says late December but a lot of colleges release decisions before they are supposed to be out.

I’ve heard late this week or early next week. I know lots of schools are releasing early decision results today and tomorrow so we will see!

Yeah I heard from two today

So we should hear by the 15th you think? @kmuzzo3

Yes that’s what they said

Ok thank you! @kmuzzo3

A bunch of my friends know the date (and even the hour) that they will hear back from their ED schools. Is Miami going to tell us that or are they just going to send out the acceptances without warning? @kmuzzo3