When does University of Miami send acceptance letters (or emails) for early decision 2015?

That’s what I’m wondering too, I just think it’s weird that all other schools emailed their applicants and gave them a warning but we got nothing from miami. Im not sure if they will even give us a heads up

legit… this wait is killing me… so many people have heard from colleges today and all i care about is hearing from the U

So accurate I don’t know how much longer I can wait

well guess were not finding out tonight… hope you all can sleep!! praying to hear tomorrow…

Just called and they said late December…

So not “later this week, or early next week” anymore ?

for those who applied ED where u guys from??

so is it confirmed that we are not hearing back before the 15th?

looks like it

@Hero45 I think there’s a chance we might hear sometime around the 15th, they are probably saying :late december" just to be safe. Also I’m from Indiana

@mfrench022 my friends who ED to Syracuse are in the same position as hs ahha. what made u wanna ED to Miami?

Has anyone else wondered why the ED acceptance rate is lower than the regular acceptance rate?

@kmuzzo3 I’m pretty sure its because a lot of the people who apply ED to Miami are usually under qualified.

India :slight_smile:

does anyone think it could be tomorrow ?

I heard that it will be on tuesday the 15th and you will have to check into ur Cane account.

ok i heard the same thing… do we know wha time?

Where did you hear that? @rjmak1 @sports12345 I know a lot of other schools are sending them on tuesday but I didn’t hear about Miami

I also applied early decision. waiting to here back senioritis is real

I spoke to an admissions officer and they said you should hear on the 15th of Dec…