When does University of Miami send acceptance letters (or emails) for early decision 2015?

@rjmak1 when did you talk to them?

Does anybody have an idea what time this would happen at if it’s tomorrow? Probably in the late afternoon I would assume.

@psychbio12cc probably between 5-7pm

Are we sure it’s tomorrow? I don’t want to get my hopes up

It could be tonight at midnight who knows? im staying up just in case. but how will we know if we are accepted?
By email? or what

@Cski7797 I think they’ll email us and tell us that the decision is posted on out Canelink accounts

i can’t wait any longer! this is crazy

did anyone speak to someone at admissions ?

I applied ED to the communications school. My friend told me almost an hour ago his friend got in but my CaneLink still says my application is complete. Also I emailed the admissions counselor for my state and she sent back an automatic email saying ED hears anywhere from mid to late December. I feel like it’s gonna come out tomorrow though

@rjmak1 did they say a particular time?

@gntejeda0723 r u sure someone just found out??

@Soccer98 that’s what my friend told me but idk who the person is and I haven’t heard of anyone else getting in so idk

Does anybody know what the email will say when we get it? I got into a rolling school and the email was headlined “Congratulations”, but I’d much rather see that there is an email and wait to read it in my own space than just check my email and see the decision right there in front of me. I’m thinking it will probably just say that you can now view your admission status on CaneLink and then you have to actually go to CaneLink, but does anybody know for sure? Never been more nervous…!

Im pretty sure they send an email saying the admissions decision is ready and to check your cane link. I also heard that in the past a banner comes up on your cane link that says WELCOME TO THE CANE FAMILY! I hope you all get in and im praying that we hear back tomorrow!

@kmuzzo3 I hope you get in as well!!! Good luck to everybody!!

Good luck everyone!! Hope we’re all officially 'canes tomorrow @Hero45 @kmuzzo3

this is torture omg I’ve called many times and i get a different answer almost every time but all of them have said basically within the time frame of now and the 20th but I’m really really hoping its tomorrow bc i can’t take this anymore

Just heard that someone got in, anyone else?

Best of luck to you all! Just found this thread and I applied early action, has anyone heard the date EA decsisions could come out?

I think people r hearing from Miami (ohio)