When does University of Miami send acceptance letters (or emails) for early decision 2015?

Best of luck to you all I hope we will all be Canes in the near future.



If anyone hears anything let us know!

Anyone hear any updates?? Can’t wait any longer

Haven’t Heard anything. Pretty sure this is the longest day of my life

I’m also waiting to hear back. I’ve been looking around the web and I know people said that it might be today, but I really don’t think it will be. When I called on friday they said “late december” and today is “mid december”. Also, on this website it says that we will be notified on the 20th, which seems more likely. What do you guys think? Im so anxious…

I think that we will deff hear back before christmas, maybe today, or maybe friday or sunday seems likely.

People above said that admissions said today, the 15th

That date hasn’t been confirmed

Is it effective to try and communicte with admissions? Or is it better to wait and see when they actually send out an e-mail?

has anyone spoken to someone at admissions… I CANT WAIT ANY LONGER

Didn’t people speak with admissions yesterday and they said today???

I think we might hear today because so many other schools release decisions today. It has to be sometime soon because they need to get them sent before winter break. Also, if the school hasn’t released any info to us then there’s no way that website could know with certainty that we hear on the 20th

I heard from admissions Officer today that due to the tremendous amount of ED applications decision won’t be released until sometime next week.

I hope that was a joke

I don’t know how I can wait that long…

I just called the office and they said that we will 100% know BY THE END OF THIS WEEK . not next week.

You must be joking about the next week thing…

I still think tonight