When does University of Miami send acceptance letters (or emails) for early decision 2015?

f*** that lets keep our hopes up

soo… they aren’t coming out today?

That’s an automatic email and has been being sent for the past month so im not sure how accurate it is

that might mean something because mine doesnt say that

probably not too accurate just trying to get people to leave them alone lol

Why don’t they just give a date and a time like do they want us to cry

Does anyone else see anything under financial aid tab of came link?

If you got money im assuming you got in

But I feel like I wouldn’t be the only one to find out

Mine says nothing under financial aid

these answers they keep giving us are so unclear. “Early Decision notification dates and deadlines can be found on our website.” no it just says “late December” thats not a date! I’m going crazy

ugh the stress or hearing back and getting in

Mine doesn’t say anything under financial aid

under finances two tabs pop up one says financial aid and one says accept or decline award but besides that nothing else it says its unnavailable… those tabs were probably all there. did anyone see anything different??bc that wold mean something

Did you both apply Ed?

I think everyone on here applied ED

After clicking view financial aid a line that came up that says 2017. University of Miami. Federal aid year 2016-2017 then I clicked on the 2017 and it brought me to a page which listed a grant.

wait does everyone see the two tabs one saying financial aid and one saying accept or decline?

and does anyone see different

did you apply for aid

I do